There is a belief that Christ came to india and practiced meditation and vedas, which influenced him while making his own religion. The unfolded years in his life also suggests that. But christians in india will not accept it. I know many who have a bitter attitude to hindu culture, Bhagavat gita, hindu gods etc. will they accept this bible? they like to think that their roots are in the west (even the converted ones). If somebody says them that you actually born to an american or europian, they will feel very proud of it.
RE:will they accept it?
by Kvins on Aug 05, 2008 02:12 PM Permalink
Actually modern Indian hasn't contributed anything except in terms of population .. while ancient India has contributed all the vedas, mathematics, meditation , yoga , Marshal arts ( remember that buddha dharam originated from India ) , peace, Gita updesh and ofcourse the theory of Karma ... So while no one would except it that is actually the truth..
RE:will they accept it?
by true tamilan on Aug 05, 2008 02:13 PM Permalink
Tamil, I am sure you dont know sanskrit. Translation or interpretation of this I can guarantee you is wrong.
This is just like archbishop of madras funding some poor brahmin from Srirangam to interpret Hindu scriptures to show agasthiyar, vyaasar and another sage were the ones who visited Christ as 3 wise men.
If you can see thru this. It is better for u. Otherwise, u will look down upon the glorious tamil culture and praise ur white masters.