RE:will they accept it?
by tamil on Aug 05, 2008 02:06 PM
Om Sree Bhrammaputhraya nama. Oh Thou Who art the Son of God I worship you.
Om Sree Umathaya nama. Oh Thou Who art conceived by the Holy Spirit, I worship you.
Om Sree Kanya Suthaya nama. Oh Thou Who art born of a virgin, I worship you.
Om Sree Sipilistaya nama. Oh Thou Who art circumcised, I worship you.
Om Sreee Darithiranarayana nama, Oh Thou Who became the poorest of the poor, I worship you.
Om Sree Vrikshasoola aruthaya nama. Oh Thou Who offered His body on the branch of a tree, I worship you.
Om Sree Panchakaya nama. Oh Thou Who has five different kinds of wounds in His body, I worship you.
Om Sree Mrithyumjaya nama. Oh Thou rose victoriously from the dead I worship you.
Om Sree Dakshinamoorthy nama. Oh Thou to Whom the power to rule the world is given, I worship you.
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