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Tibetians should live silently in India
by chaitanya s on Apr 18, 2008 08:45 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Don't Indians have their own problems with a population of over a billion that they now have to support refugees from Tibet !

When was the last time Kashmiri Pandits (Indians) driven out of their own homeland ever protested in public at the injustice meted out to them ?

India should grant refuge to them on humanitarian grounds. But not at the cost of causing inconvenience to genuine Indian sport lovers who have nothing to do with politics across the border.

If they need to protest, they should do it where the problem really is (in Tibet). Protesting across the globe is not going to help one bit (history is a witness). It will only cause inconvenience to the citizens of that place.

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  RE:RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by Proud indian on Apr 18, 2008 09:24 AM   Permalink
Well said man,By the way ignore rahul,He is steaming on u, becasue he has some other problem
Rahul,Where are u from?

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  RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by Rahul on Apr 18, 2008 09:42 AM   Permalink
BTW looks like a communist gang or a Paki gang in an Indian post in disguise of Chaitanya and Proud Indian. I am from Delhi and my mother is a kashmiri so have seen and felt the brunt more than any lip servicing communist sitting in a Ac room and wasting companies resources knowing nothing about pain and anguish of loosing your own land, etc... So I presume you guys have no probs with China occupying India's land, or communist supporting China but are more worried about why u had to stand in the sun for 2 hours. Well no wonder India is where it is today...BTW which part of pakistan are you guys from

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  RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by chaitanya s on Apr 18, 2008 09:56 AM   Permalink
Hmmm I'm bored of this debate. When a person stoops down to a personal level, I lose interest in the overall conversation.

Share the anguish of the Tibetians and hate China while I search for someone with more class and debating skills.

Good bye !

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  RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by Rahul on Apr 18, 2008 09:59 AM   Permalink
yeah can understand that's why some jiker called Proud Indian asked me where I am from.. really shows the class ... Good you should look out for some more selfish people like you and prepare to come to streets if your bus doesnot come for 10 mins.
Well you can if you not want to still share your pedigree

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  RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by Rahul on Apr 18, 2008 09:01 AM   Permalink
Well said just like a fellow communist. next time you or your community have any problem whether it has to do with your house, yoru locality your job we donot want to see any of you on the roads. Your message smells of shelfishness, indifference, unhuman and anit-national. If you cannot help millions of people peaacefully demosntrating for a just cause JUST SHUT UP. Can you explain why your CPIM supports China on tibet and in 1962?

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  RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by chaitanya s on Apr 18, 2008 09:11 AM   Permalink
I am not a communist. I am just a citizen of India who cares about the inconvenience faced by my fellow citizens. Unfortunately we are unable to solve our own problems. Why should we get emotional and add to our woes ?

I am not anti-national since I spoke on behalf of my Kashmiri brothers and sisters.

I would never come on the road to protest. In this fast moving world it is a waste of time. There are much more efficient and concrete ways to solve problems in the community.

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  RE:RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by Rahul on Apr 18, 2008 09:19 AM   Permalink
You spoke about the inconvenience caused to you and do not want to look at the inconvenience caused to the Tibetians. You forgot the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers in the 1962 war. Just by highlighting Kasmir pandit issues doesnot make you national. It was such a pathetic site yesterday with only security persons and the chinese ambassador with sheila dixit. everytime you see a tibetian on road think of the kind of trauma they would have gone that they have left their homes, land, cattle, language, food etc and living in an alien land. before thinking about you and yoru self think bigger, think about humanity and people who sufferer much hardships in life. if you are not anti-national you are surely selfish

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  RE:RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by chaitanya s on Apr 18, 2008 09:38 AM   Permalink
I appreciate your humanitarian concern Rahul. The world surely needs people like you to hold the torch of human kindness.

Unfortunately for our country needs to see the light of economic prosperity, only the torch of kindness is not enough. Let us first be self sufficient in the true sense of a developed country and then stretch our hands out to embrace those in need.

I am selfish. I think only about the economic prosperity of MY country and MY people. Every other country is secondary.

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  RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by Shankar on Apr 18, 2008 08:55 AM   Permalink
vwey well said!!!

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