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RE:RE:Tibetians should live silently in India
by Rahul on Apr 18, 2008 09:19 AM

You spoke about the inconvenience caused to you and do not want to look at the inconvenience caused to the Tibetians. You forgot the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers in the 1962 war. Just by highlighting Kasmir pandit issues doesnot make you national. It was such a pathetic site yesterday with only security persons and the chinese ambassador with sheila dixit. everytime you see a tibetian on road think of the kind of trauma they would have gone that they have left their homes, land, cattle, language, food etc and living in an alien land. before thinking about you and yoru self think bigger, think about humanity and people who sufferer much hardships in life. if you are not anti-national you are surely selfish

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