The shamefull conduct of Indian foreihn policy is because it is being run by a Mallayli Mafia and supported by a Bengali one . Between 1700 and 1813 when both these communities were in bed withe British and were prostating themselves with sickening regularity , the Maharsahstrians were taking British Prisoners ! viz. in the Battle of Lonawala General Lake was defeated and beheaded ! What else can you expect from these rice communities , in their genes is programed a deep desire to kowtow to any foreigner and suck up to them . It is now the Chinese'es turn to bed these communities , BhadraKumar , Karat-Prakash & Brinda , Bhattacharjee, Basu ,Chatterjee .... it read like a Cochin/Calcutta phone directory . Name me one incident where these communities have not sucked up to an outsider ? Send them to work in Chinese Brothels in Bejing for BOTH sexes , it's what they are fit for !!
RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 07:43 AM Permalink
nikla tapala Except few abusive words ( rice communities,Brothels etc) I agree with you these communist guys ( not the communities) are like virus.They will not hesitate to finger/sell our own country to the foriegners.The word rice communities I object. As am from rice community you are hurting me when am aginst communist and china.And many are like me in India.Even in wheat communities some support the stupid chinese ( They do not know what to eat and what not to eat. In the dark if you give even the human waste they will eat that. Supporters of them how will be. Only like that) We do not want any benifit to India from the china at any cost. Will you buy anything from thief.Police will catch you.It is similar to that this one getting benefits from these Chinese. There
RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by debjyoti chatterjee on Apr 18, 2008 08:01 AM Permalink
Bengalis have always took stand in past and in present n future will follow its suit. We needn't have to prove our patriotism. Remember Netaji, India's National Anthem, National song, Khudi Ram Bose etc. The list is endless. And All Bengalis are not communist. Never blame any single community ever.
RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by debjyoti chatterjee on Apr 18, 2008 08:13 AM Permalink
Which part of the country u live? Just tell me and I will tell list out. You cowards don't even have the courage to put your correct identity and questing my integrity. Superbe!!!
RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by Vishnu Sharma on Apr 18, 2008 07:44 AM Permalink
Bengalis need to prove themselves to be patriotic.
Vote out the leftists in your state as a first step please.
The LITERATURE OF RABINDRA NATH TAGORE has more meaning than Marxist crap.
Bring out the Bose in each one of you !!!! Do NOT hide him behind the stupid facade of Marxism.
Once the Bengalis lead by example, the Keralites will follow.
RE:RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 07:50 AM Permalink
There were many Bengalis (particularly) and keralits patriotic and great until they start to follow the bloody communist
RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by debjyoti chatterjee on Apr 18, 2008 07:32 AM Permalink
You Paki...Stop trying to divide people on basis of religion and state.We know what people did in past.We read our history.Who was first Indian to be hanged in british rule?reply if you know.None coomunities have everyone clean.Stop sreading hatredness.United India.Jai Hind.
RE:RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 07:47 AM Permalink
Jai Bharat. We are united until the cause is for right. Right (genuine cause-on the basis of Dharma)cause is more important than being united.
RE:Keralite & Bengali running dogs of Chinese Imperialism
by RAHUL MANCHANDA on Apr 18, 2008 08:01 AM Permalink
the leftists are traitors who supported china during their invasion of india.the least we can do is to deport them to china where their loyalties lie.