The shamefull conduct of Indian foreihn policy is because it is being run by a Mallayli Mafia and supported by a Bengali one . Between 1700 and 1813 when both these communities were in bed withe British and were prostating themselves with sickening regularity , the Maharsahstrians were taking British Prisoners ! viz. in the Battle of Lonawala General Lake was defeated and beheaded ! What else can you expect from these rice communities , in their genes is programed a deep desire to kowtow to any foreigner and suck up to them . It is now the Chinese'es turn to bed these communities , BhadraKumar , Karat-Prakash & Brinda , Bhattacharjee, Basu ,Chatterjee .... it read like a Cochin/Calcutta phone directory . Name me one incident where these communities have not sucked up to an outsider ? Send them to work in Chinese Brothels in Bejing for BOTH sexes , it's what they are fit for !!