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Scuttling India's nuke leadership- the sole Yankee purpose
by Chakravarthy Muralidhar on Apr 04, 2008 10:34 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

"We continue to believe that the civil nuclear deal is good, not only for India and for the United States, but also good in terms of strengthening the non-proliferation regimes that are out there," Casey said. This sentence has been repeated, verbatim, in more than 50 official statements put out to media by that many US spokespersons or US delegation heads. Just analyse this statement in conjunction with their recent statements that "Hyde Act, which is America's domestic law supercedes and is supreme over all international agreements and treaties that US enters now or ever in the future with any country in the world". While the Hyde Act clearly rejects possession or development of any nuke tech, civil or military, by any country with whom US signs a nuke agreement, the 123-deal stipulates the 'code of conduct' for India with regard to the functioning of its existing nuke physical infrastructure and scientific/technical manpower. It is unfortunate that our strategic think-tank, if at all it exists, does not pay attention to these assertions. This is obvious from the fact that there has never even once a rejoinder issued to these consistent proclamation being dinned by the Yankees!

It is time for our nuke scientists to wake up and put out our analysis of the on-going hush-hush dialogue solely by disreputable Congress henchmen with US politicians. The traitorous Cong govt with the help of unethical Commies are out to cheat this nation into subordination and slavery.

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  RE:Scuttling India's nuke leadership- the sole Yankee purpose
by Chakravarthy Muralidhar on Apr 04, 2008 11:27 AM   Permalink
No Indian leader, either political, administrative or scientific, have replied to these blatant US statements by saying that "India is a strong democratic country which believes in not only total self-reliance in advanced technologies in general, but also is committed to becoming an unsurpassable, environment-friendly nuke-energy technology leader whether the Americans like it or not. So if this goal of ours is US's Hyde Act, so be it. We will never amend our goals solely in America's and against India's interests". It is high time some of our most eminent nuke scientists came out openly with their analysis and put it up for study and debate by interested public of this country. People like AN Prasad, Gopalakrishnan, etc., have been keeping silent despite the plainly dangerous developments that are coming out faintly with the visit of every US delegation to India or the spineless Indian delegations to the US. This ghostly silence by the eminent pesrons is certainly most worrisome. They should come out fearlessly now with their wisdom-filled revelations and lay bare the ugly truth behind the 123-deal.

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  RE:Scuttling India's nuke leadership- the sole Yankee purpose
by rajan kumar on Apr 04, 2008 11:45 AM   Permalink
We have been working for indigenous nuke tech for more than fifty years and the kind engineering legacy and govt support we have we will take another fifty years. That why our scientist are silent. I too work in nuke industry. My friend please belive this is the era of global reorientation where stragic need suggest that US will to live upto our trust and China will be against our development.

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  RE:Scuttling India's nuke leadership- the sole Yankee purpose
by prabha on Apr 04, 2008 08:13 PM   Permalink
you are correct.

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