"We continue to believe that the civil nuclear deal is good, not only for India and for the United States, but also good in terms of strengthening the non-proliferation regimes that are out there," Casey said. This sentence has been repeated, verbatim, in more than 50 official statements put out to media by that many US spokespersons or US delegation heads. Just analyse this statement in conjunction with their recent statements that "Hyde Act, which is America's domestic law supercedes and is supreme over all international agreements and treaties that US enters now or ever in the future with any country in the world". While the Hyde Act clearly rejects possession or development of any nuke tech, civil or military, by any country with whom US signs a nuke agreement, the 123-deal stipulates the 'code of conduct' for India with regard to the functioning of its existing nuke physical infrastructure and scientific/technical manpower. It is unfortunate that our strategic think-tank, if at all it exists, does not pay attention to these assertions. This is obvious from the fact that there has never even once a rejoinder issued to these consistent proclamation being dinned by the Yankees!
It is time for our nuke scientists to wake up and put out our analysis of the on-going hush-hush dialogue solely by disreputable Congress henchmen with US politicians. The traitorous Cong govt with the help of unethical Commies are out to cheat this nation into subordination and slavery.