Can we let 1 party with just 5 % votes to decide our future. Can we let 1 party with just 5% votes, hold 1 billion people to ransom. Can we let 1 party with just 5 % votes and 2 disastrous states Bengal and Kerala to make policies for 1 billion people.
If no, thn dont vote for the commies. Coming elections every Indian will vote and throw these commies outta our country.
RE:N Deal
by Praveen PG on Sep 07, 2007 09:13 PM Permalink
Perhaps u need some politicians from the most socially and economically developed states of Bihar and UP (and other BIMARU states) to decide the future of India. Get your facts right! Kerala is the most socially developed state in India. Human development indices (Infant mortality etc) are on par with the developed countries of the world. You can check this for yourself.
RE:N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 07, 2007 09:17 PM Permalink
Almost all of the money in kerala is sent by keralites workin in the middle east. Without the hardworking keralites in the middle east, kerala will collapse in a day. There are no major industries in kerala. The number one industry in kerala are Trade Unions led by the communists and their number one product is Strikes and bandhs.
RE:RE:N Deal
by raj on Sep 08, 2007 01:01 AM Permalink
Thats the only thing Keralites can talk about.No doubt that is great about social development. But what about the other side compare to Banglore,AP and Chennai? Young men and women need job. When comes to job creation Kerala is far behind those states. Why? Who ever want to invest in your State think twice. Why? Your politicians especially Communist dont let any pvt firms to grown. Some how they find a way to close it down by strike.So dont be too proud and knock other states down.Well known fact from every family one Malyalee is looking for a job in Gulf countries (Capitalist free makt economy)Why? Think about it .
RE:N Deal
by ASHOK on Sep 07, 2007 09:26 PM Permalink
Very well said. Transformers>> I aprreciate your observations.
Please also take note that in 1962 Indo China War, It was US intervention, which stopped Chinese aggression. China had reached Bomdilla and thereafter it was easy to gobble up whole of ASSAM.
At that time RUSSIA did not restrain CHINA.
Russian Stand was >> If India is my friend than CHINA is my BROTHER.
Bottomline >> India is a mature and powerfull country now, we should do what is best for us.
I am really surprised when BIMAN BOSE & BURDAN said >> we should not make our Neighbours ( Pakistan & China ) unhappy by signing 123 Nuclear agreement with USA.
RE:N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 07, 2007 09:34 PM Permalink
The communists are a curse on our nationa, a curse that is not going to go automatically. This is a difinign moment for India, we are on the threshold of superpower status and the enemies within(commies) at the behest of the enemies outside(Pak China) are determined to bring India now. Its upto us ordinary citizens now to shoe extraordinary courage and stop these enemies frm putting a stop to India acheiving the powerful status that we Indians deserve.
RE:RE:N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 07, 2007 09:35 PM Permalink
The communists are a curse on our nationa, a curse that is not going to go automatically. This is a difinign moment for India, we are on the threshold of superpower status and the enemies within(commies) at the behest of the enemies outside(Pak China) are determined to bring India down. Its upto us ordinary citizens now to shoe extraordinary courage and stop these enemies frm putting a stop to India acheiving the powerful status that we Indians deserve.
RE:RE:N Deal
by raj on Sep 08, 2007 01:09 AM Permalink
Thank you Ashok. Hope these commies will understand that. That was Kennedy who offered the help. Bardhan and other BOOGERS are there to look after the interest of China .Hope our Indian people vote them out next time. I cant imagine if some senator or Congress men make statement like this in US. He wont see the Senate . Those irresponsible statemets shows how much they care about India's role in the world and the future.
RE:N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 01:31 AM Permalink
I strongly beleive this deal will go through as 2 of the best minds the Legendary K Subrahmanyam and C Raja Mohan are advising the governement. These are some of the best security and foreign affairs analyst in India.
RE:N Deal
by Dolly Kurian on Sep 07, 2007 08:43 PM Permalink
UPA with less than 30% of Indian vote support should not spoil the future of India, for the Americans.They have no right to do it.The American from Christopher Colombus onwards have done only killing innocent people, from the Arawaks and the red Indians to the Iraqis.In Vietnam they used the Black Man to kill the Yellow Man so that the White Man can keep the land he grabbed from the Red Man.The Brown Man cannot join these american terrorists
You are a communist and therefore anachronistic in "our" times!!
You people really need to "grow" out of your pathetic "red" skins and get with the programme!!
If you can't reconcile with the idea of trucking with hardcore capitalists, try and learn from your fellow, ertswhile commies like Russia and China!!
We were officially only 'Socialists' (That's like being a bastard offspring of communism) but Russia and China swore by communism. And yet discarded it like a used diaper when opportunity knocked!
And please don't give us that crap about sovereignty, you people still haven't acknowledged that China invaded India in 1962!!
RE:N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 07, 2007 08:51 PM Permalink
U mentioneda lotta countries the US harmed but u cannot give one instance whn the US attacked India. U seem to be lott bothered abt other countries thn India. The US is the only major country along with Russia, that has neva attacked India. Rest all major countries have attacked india including China, Pakistan, UK, France, Portugal, Mongolia, Iran, the Ottomans.
RE:N Deal
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 11:29 PM Permalink
Hello Dolly Kurian, Which country attacked India in 1961.Yellow men killed so called Brown men ,(according to your term)Do you any complaints. In 2001 sept 11th Islamist killed 3000 innocent people in USA. It seems you have no problem with that . Right? That includes many Indian life got lost too. Your Lennin and Bucher Stalin killed many Russians. Polpot (communist monster)killed thousands in combodia. Mao's red gaurd's buched many in China. What about Soviet invation of chez repablic, and Romania. What about the killing of eastern germans when they cross the bared wire fence seeking freedom in West Germany. What about the Killing Iraqis by Sadham and his gang? By the way In DAFUR Black women and men are buchered by Arabs. Do you anything to say about it? Lebanon muslims are killing each other including Palastine? Dont single out the United State. Black, White,Yellow, Brown ,Red(Americns come in all these colors for your info)all fought the communist not just the black man . Dont try to induce racism here.You Lefties dont have your facts right. Do you know the meaning of fair and balance. Name a single Communist country with Human rights and press freedom? Name how many countries are there in the world under communist? Ms.Kurian. Try to improve life in KERALA first. Clean you own backyard before you clean others. JAI HIND
RE:N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 01:17 AM Permalink
Awesomeeeeeeeee Man. That was simply an awesome reply. Bt these commie parasites will neva understand that.