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RE:N Deal
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 11:29 PM

Hello Dolly Kurian, Which country attacked India in 1961.Yellow men killed so called Brown men ,(according to your term)Do you any complaints. In 2001 sept 11th Islamist killed 3000 innocent people in USA. It seems you have no problem with that . Right? That includes many Indian life got lost too. Your Lennin and Bucher Stalin killed many Russians. Polpot (communist monster)killed thousands in combodia. Mao's red gaurd's buched many in China. What about Soviet invation of chez repablic, and Romania. What about the killing of eastern germans when they cross the bared wire fence seeking freedom in West Germany. What about the Killing Iraqis by Sadham and his gang? By the way In DAFUR Black women and men are buchered by Arabs. Do you anything to say about it? Lebanon muslims are killing each other including Palastine? Dont single out the United State. Black, White,Yellow, Brown ,Red(Americns come in all these colors for your info)all fought the communist not just the black man . Dont try to induce racism here.You Lefties dont have your facts right. Do you know the meaning of fair and balance. Name a single Communist country with Human rights and press freedom? Name how many countries are there in the world under communist? Ms.Kurian. Try to improve life in KERALA first. Clean you own backyard before you clean others. JAI HIND

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