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Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by Indian Muslim on Oct 04, 2007 08:24 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

This is a correct statement, and those who are doing all the wrong things in the world in the name of Jihad is also wrong.

But if they are following Quran, Islam and teachings of Mohammed for Jihad then anyone who is killing others in the name of Islam, Quran and Mohammed will not kill even his enemy in the month of Ramzan.

If during this month the so-called muslims terrorist are continuing there holy war then this is a propaganda new. And that to in the last 10 days of Ramzan it is really hard to digest.

I am a muslim who is against Jihadis and terrorists. But this news even I won't support

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  RE:Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by Tapu on Oct 04, 2007 08:31 PM   Permalink
Statement given by this Muslim guy speaks the typical mentality of Muslims.

At last muslim will believe muslims only.

Non-muslims (who talk about secularism) should learn from this.

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  RE:Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by abdul khan on Oct 04, 2007 09:31 PM   Permalink
there are many muslims in the security forces....who are helping to wipe the scum out of Kashmir

you and I just loggin here and post messages with no importance , while they do the action

So kindly STFU :)

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  RE:Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by ali india on Oct 05, 2007 08:21 AM   Permalink
thats right !

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  RE:Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by Pat Thakur on Oct 04, 2007 08:43 PM   Permalink
Just think, our Shit Congress & it's Ally Dogs were Pressurizing the Army for Temporary Cease - Fire during Ramzan. God Save India.....

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  RE:Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by Amakant Chaudhary on Oct 05, 2007 04:33 AM   Permalink
God cant save India! Only Allah and Jesus can. Indians should leave their false Gods and local religions and fully accept only Judaic-Arab Gods & messiahs. Jesus o' akbar, allah o' akbar!

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  RE:Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by Seeker on Oct 05, 2007 12:00 AM   Permalink
ISLAM is a Religion of peace.
those who kill innocents in the name of islam/jihad cant be considered muslims or for that matter human beings and should not have access to any stupid human rights people.

what i fail to understand is that my brothers from other religions always find some dubious quranic translation which contains some verses with twisted meanings and out of context interpretation to justify muslim bashing.

There is NO justification whatsoever in quran/sharia for the killing of innocents whether muslim/non-muslim is immaterial.
so please desist from blaming all muslims for the actions of a few misguided souls.
moreover why is it imperative that all actions of these idiots should be condemned by muslims?
they are in no way related to us. we dont consider them human beings. these butchers deserve the fate they get at the hands of the army which unfortunately has to sacrifice a lot of brave guys to teach the bad guys a lesson.

only if we unite can these people be defeated.
muslim bashing and ghettoism will only give rise to more such idiots who will have a persecution complex and add to our problems.
education and prosperity will take care of all these issues in a simply remarkable way.

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  RE:Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by Seeker on Oct 05, 2007 12:00 AM   Permalink
ISLAM is a Religion of peace.
those who kill innocents in the name of islam/jihad cant be considered muslims or for that matter human beings and should not have access to any stupid human rights people.

what i fail to understand is that my brothers from other religions always find some dubious quranic translation which contains some verses with twisted meanings and out of context interpretation to justify muslim bashing.

There is NO justification whatsoever in quran/sharia for the killing of innocents whether muslim/non-muslim is immaterial.
so please desist from blaming all muslims for the actions of a few misguided souls.
moreover why is it imperative that all actions of these idiots should be condemned by muslims?
they are in no way related to us. we dont consider them human beings. these butchers deserve the fate they get at the hands of the army which unfortunately has to sacrifice a lot of brave guys to teach the bad guys a lesson.

only if we unite can these people be defeated.
muslim bashing and ghettoism will only give rise to more such idiots who will have a persecution complex and add to our problems.
education and prosperity will take care of all these issues in a simply remarkable way.

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Ramzan sees spike in violence in J&K