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Muslims are Terrorists and All Terrorists are muslims
by Indian Muslim on Oct 04, 2007 08:24 PM

This is a correct statement, and those who are doing all the wrong things in the world in the name of Jihad is also wrong.

But if they are following Quran, Islam and teachings of Mohammed for Jihad then anyone who is killing others in the name of Islam, Quran and Mohammed will not kill even his enemy in the month of Ramzan.

If during this month the so-called muslims terrorist are continuing there holy war then this is a propaganda new. And that to in the last 10 days of Ramzan it is really hard to digest.

I am a muslim who is against Jihadis and terrorists. But this news even I won't support

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Ramzan sees spike in violence in J&K