BJP is controlled by RSS. RSS is started & run by Brahmins to continue the MANU vaad. The VHP & Bajrangi's, the children of RSS, are created to unleash terror amongst the minorities and other organisations like Youth for Equality are started to unleash terror amongst the backward classes.
In the name of RAM & Hindutva, they want to keep the backwards busy in fighting in the name of RAM whereas the Brahmins till then keep on amassing wealth and achieving glory for themselves.
The backwards should realise that these bhataji's whose party is BJP have made the life of vast masses miserable not for a century or so but thousands of years. They kept everything reserved for themselves for centuries right from GOD, scriptures, temples, education, everything. Now, a reservation for backwards in small percentage is making them uncomfortable. They do not like others getting educated. These Bhataji's and their party BJP should be kept at arms length otherwise the day is not far when these people will again stop others from education and praying to GOD.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Bala.S on Oct 03, 2007 10:28 PM Permalink
I dont know whether you know the current situation of Indians. everything based on reservations. so Brahmins ( upper Caste ) have to use there briliance to come up or they move to private sector. because of the so called dalits the goverment is stagarent and not so effective like before... BULL SHIT GOVERNMENT POLICIES. I HAVE TRAVELLED 30 COUNTRIES AND NEVER SEE THIS TYPE OF JOKES IN THE POLITICS. THERE IS A SAYING there is no free lunch. why indians dont understand this??
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Rajeev on Oct 03, 2007 10:16 PM Permalink
How much you know about Manu? Who was Manu & what he said? I don't think you have ever read the Hindu scriptures, that's why u are taking like this. You are talking on the line of Mayawati who said that kill the Brahmins but now she has very much faith on Brahmins.
Manu has not created the caste system, it is we people created that and blame Manu. During that period Manu said 4 division Bhahman (who knows Veda, who teach the scriptures), Kshatriya (who fight for the country, protect cow, woman, praja), Vaisaya (who do the business) & Sudra (who just busy in sense gratification). And this division was decided on the birth but by the work you do. And in this Kaliyuga we all are sudras only, no brahmin, kshatriya. B'z now a days we do not know Veda, we are not able to protect our country, cow, women etc..., we all just do our sense gratification & start eating meat so we all comes under sudras only.
There are plenty of example where there is no difference between low & hight caste. For example, ISKCON there are big-big swamis who belongs to low caste. ISKCON they say that if you are Vaishnav then you are above the so called Brahmin also.
If we start reading the scriptures (Bhagvad gita, Ramayan, Manusmriti, bhagwatam) then we will understand the true Hinduism.
RE:RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:42 PM Permalink
Bravo! Very well written. I hope many morons on this forum could read this and reflect on it.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by tamilan santhanam on Oct 03, 2007 09:47 PM Permalink
One simple correction friend Brahmin Jokers party Why BJP should worry for power?.Their destiny is to fine new agenda which make the people laugh.October fool BJP
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Victor on Oct 03, 2007 09:55 PM Permalink
Stick to ur ayah DMK and ammma AIADMK and don't meddle with other state politics.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Indoamerican on Oct 03, 2007 09:44 PM Permalink
Brahmins.. Amazing wealth???. Looks like u r also wearing black google.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Jugga on Oct 03, 2007 10:51 PM Permalink
All other than Brahmins should get mentally backward class reservations. You and your progeny deserve it my illegitimate son.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Krish on Oct 03, 2007 09:26 PM Permalink
BJP's Modi's Gujarat is the most rapidly industrializing state with highest per capita GDP. It's ally Akali Dal is the other state with huge per capita GDP. As far anyone knows Modi,Advani and Rajnath are not brahmins. But you may know better. Don't think hinduism and lord Ram have anything to do with brahmins domination. Some of the prominent atheists today are also brahmins, so why are you obsessed with caste?
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Shenidh on Oct 03, 2007 09:44 PM Permalink
If not brahmins, they will be uppercaste hindus and jains who do not want lower caste hindus prosper and also they want to create rift between different religious groups just for thier selfish gains.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by netinetineti on Oct 03, 2007 09:48 PM Permalink
you are the kind of person who keeps this issue of caste alive by actually ranting about it all the time. at a time when all of india is moving forward, you are always crying about caste and creating a divide rather than getting along and blurring the lines of division. improve yourself first.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Rajeev on Oct 03, 2007 09:55 PM Permalink
Please do not try to divide Hindus. if you do not know the actual fact please find out the fact then talk. Who was Kalyan Singh, Uma Bharti are not upper caste. If we create fight between upper & lower caste we are never going to develop. 1st we need to come out of the upper & lower caste system. To do that start thinking that I am a Hindu. Bihar Capital Patna has a huge Lord Hanuman temple and the main priest of that temple is from lower caste. We all respect him take blessing from him. There is no question that he is not good or he is lower caste. If you come to the right platform, u won't feel the difference between lower & upper difference. In-fact in RSS also, you will not feel the upper & lower caste culture there.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by venkata laiah on Oct 03, 2007 10:17 PM Permalink
HEY Fool, that is why Brahmin Janatha party has explled non brahmin leader like Umabharathi and Kalyan singh from BJP. GOT NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:40 PM Permalink
Was it because they were non-brahmins?? Which party did/does not have internal power struggles?
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Victor on Oct 03, 2007 09:47 PM Permalink
God Bless You to give good brains... Talks of Brahmin in Kranataka Politics. Stick to your state.
RE:RE:RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Rajeev on Oct 03, 2007 10:19 PM Permalink
Hello data jee, why are u behaving so arrogantly? Uma Bharti , Narendra Modi ,vinay katiyar , Kalyan Singh and many more are from low caste only. If you do not accept the truth, then it is different thing. Then even God can not persuade u.
RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by srinivasa sundaram on Oct 03, 2007 10:37 PM Permalink
all over india majority of leaders from BJP are non bharamins. all chief ministers in BJP party are not bhramins
RE:RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by tamilan santhanam on Oct 03, 2007 10:19 PM Permalink
that is why Uma is expelled.Kesubai patel trying to remove Mr Modi.
RE:RE:RE:RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Rajeev on Oct 03, 2007 10:23 PM Permalink
Uma is expelled not b'z of his low caste & modi is big icon in BJP. Its not the fight between low & upper caste.