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RE: BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Rajeev on Oct 03, 2007 09:55 PM

Please do not try to divide Hindus. if you do not know the actual fact please find out the fact then talk. Who was Kalyan Singh, Uma Bharti are not upper caste. If we create fight between upper & lower caste we are never going to develop. 1st we need to come out of the upper & lower caste system. To do that start thinking that I am a Hindu. Bihar Capital Patna has a huge Lord Hanuman temple and the main priest of that temple is from lower caste. We all respect him take blessing from him. There is no question that he is not good or he is lower caste. If you come to the right platform, u won't feel the difference between lower & upper difference. In-fact in RSS also, you will not feel the upper & lower caste culture there.

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Karnataka action shifts to Delhi