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by guneet nanda on Nov 04, 2007 02:20 PM   Permalink
then worry about the things in your house.... if u want to be ignorant towards wat is happening in the world please dont switch on your tv

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by Tera Baap on Nov 04, 2007 02:37 PM   Permalink
guneet, do you know how many internal problems we have in INDIA? People like you are same as our politicians who will certainly take this opportunity to divert people's mind for political gain!

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by Sidharath Sharma on Nov 04, 2007 02:51 PM   Permalink
Am agreed with guneet, Because if u start to think like that, then u should first start thinking from yourself, if u have not any problem with u then think about your family, then to your house, then to your neibhourhood, then to your city, then your state and if u had solved all these problems then do talk about india.
Or haan, if u are not interested in this topuc then what r u doing in this discussion form?????
Is all problems are solved in your house????

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by Tera Baap on Nov 04, 2007 02:58 PM   Permalink
you mean to say you dont have any problem near your house (neighbourhood)...right?? Yes, then please join any politican party you will get free money rest of your life!

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by guneet nanda on Nov 04, 2007 03:13 PM   Permalink
we do have problems in ndia... but still we cannot ignore the things happening in this world... the pakistanis are like our brothers and sisters... lets not 4get that

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by rajarshi banerjee on Nov 04, 2007 02:26 PM   Permalink
ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!I am sure we have enough on our plate rather than bother what is happening across the border when our IMPOTENT PM, Manmohan Singh can issue routinised condemnation statements and do NOTHING ELSE. Pakistan anyway is a failed state. Right from impoverishment, literacy rate, economy, umemployment it is decades behind India. It has seen the imposition of Emergency, Martial law oft number of times, leaders have been slaughtered or hung to death. The Supreme Court there is a complete MOCKERY, the rule of law hardly functions. There is constant fued between Sunni and Shias and bomb blasts happening all across. The Pashtuns want a independant homeland. Yet, strangely all its people and political powers continue to waste BILLIONS of crores in pumping terrorists and trying to destabilise India. These Pakistanis are unified only in one thing that is to seek DESTABILIZATION of India by whatever means possible.

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by Wilson on Nov 04, 2007 02:31 PM   Permalink
Correctly said. Emergency in pak is a news for us. Remaining things we need not bother. We are having lot of internal problems in india, that we need to worry

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by Sidharath Sharma on Nov 04, 2007 02:46 PM   Permalink
I cant understand how u can say that its just a news for us. Ya, its true that our media is over exposing but its new to us. Atleast this new is much bigger then india win in 20-20 or exclusion of dravid etc.
Its really relevant to us. Because pak can take any step to difuse its inner pressure, (Including they can start war against India)Or it may be possible that Extremist took control of Power. Most important is anytime this fire can come into our house. It may effect our stock market.

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by Tera Baap on Nov 04, 2007 03:00 PM   Permalink
you are talking like a GUJJU who is always worried about STOCK MARKET! hahaha though you are not GUJJU!

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by rajarshi banerjee on Nov 04, 2007 03:03 PM   Permalink
Mr. Sharma, if any of eventualities which u have predicted happen, what can India do to prevent it or stop it from affecting India, except beaming it 24hrs on news channels? Do we have the power to stop anything that may happen in Pakistan or is our IMPOTENT government willing to take any hard decisions. So even if we know it or don't know it hardly matters since knowing all will not make any DIFFERENCE.

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