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by rajarshi banerjee on Nov 04, 2007 02:26 PM

ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!I am sure we have enough on our plate rather than bother what is happening across the border when our IMPOTENT PM, Manmohan Singh can issue routinised condemnation statements and do NOTHING ELSE. Pakistan anyway is a failed state. Right from impoverishment, literacy rate, economy, umemployment it is decades behind India. It has seen the imposition of Emergency, Martial law oft number of times, leaders have been slaughtered or hung to death. The Supreme Court there is a complete MOCKERY, the rule of law hardly functions. There is constant fued between Sunni and Shias and bomb blasts happening all across. The Pashtuns want a independant homeland. Yet, strangely all its people and political powers continue to waste BILLIONS of crores in pumping terrorists and trying to destabilise India. These Pakistanis are unified only in one thing that is to seek DESTABILIZATION of India by whatever means possible.

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This is martial law, says Benazir