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we are not Hindu
by on May 14, 2007 10:26 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

SC/ST/BCs being the original inhabitants of India are not Hindu and never Hindu. When we are not Hindu but victims of Hinduism then why fear and worship Hindu gods? Is it not our foolishness?

A question is asked: %u201CAdmitted we are not Hindu, then what religion we should follow and worship which god?%u201D Babasaheb has answered this question also. All the original inhabitants of India, particularly the Dalits, ­who are the leaders of Indian revolution, have their own indigenous religion and their own deities%u2014most of them female. We have forgotten them under Brahminical influence.

The educated among the Dalits should have taken up the task of reminding these warnings of Babasaheb and saving our people from the jaws of Brahminism. There also we failed. And this all-round failure has made the slaves enjoy their slavery. And brought us to this living hell. We are stuck.

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  RE:we are not Hindu
by Indian on May 14, 2007 11:24 AM   Permalink
Oh Dear! You are so messed up in your mind! Continuing ur logic, no christian is a christian and no muslim is a muslim, no budhist is a budhist b'cos there was some other order before all these religions came and all the followers today are converts!
So stop being blindly enslaved to the Western/Christian propaganda about the caste system in India.
Wake up, if you are a Dalit and really want to know - then all the great rishis like Valmiki who authored the Vedas and our great texts like the Ramayana through the ages were not brahmins, nor are Hindu Gods whom we pray every day. In Hindu way of life, every creature has a place, let alone a fellow human. Santana Dharma is the only and true dharma, learn more about it to remove the darkness that is in your heart today.
But if u are a christian then ur probably brain washed and can't tolerate ur Indian brothers - so please emigrate out.
And if ur a Muslim, please go to Iraq and blow urself up.
Either way u'll do us a ton of service by not spreading ur venom.

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  RE:we are not Hindu
by Surya Kanishka on May 14, 2007 11:11 AM   Permalink
R U sure that these were the original inhabitants of India ??? Then why they are racially different fro one another ? Who is lord Shiva ? he was also the god of the Orginal inhabitants but why is the god of the Vedic people.

If they were not Hindus, What were they ? christians !

Do you think that your Babasaheb knows everything ??? I dont think so ??Which Indian revolution you are talking about ?? We all know that your Baba Saheb was an opportunist when the whole Indian was fighting for Independence he was bargaining for concessions from the British. Can you give us one instance of your Baba Saheb Fighting for Independence. He was in the hands of the British and was used as tool to dilute the Indian Freedom Struggle.

Which jaws of Brahmanism your talking ?? The beggars of the present day who are 75 % brahmins. Which Slavery you are talking ??

Keep this rotten mentality and ideology with ?? you people have made Opportunist a God for no reason. He definately doesnt deserve to be in that position. For you it may be right for me definately not. Please keep it in mind I am a OBC by Birth. But keep in mind these divisive policies will help those to gain by dividing people. We have to help those who are in need irrespecctive of any caste, creed, religion etc.

Dont try to stoke of things which are illusionery and are not true. Just think how many theories are there propounding the origin of the Aryans ? which one will you believe ? Keep thinking of this ??

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  RE:we are not Hindu
by ashok tiwari on May 14, 2007 11:04 AM   Permalink
Mr ON,
Do some thing worth while for the people u r trying to represent. Abusing Brahmins will not help. Doing positive for the flock u represent will. So get on with doing something concrete.
Least u can do is to donate blood to a patient of your flock in the nearest hospital. If u have a large heart u can donate for any patient needing it.
Brahmin have been known for renunciation.They are not Brahmin if they dont.
Chanakya was a brahmin who helped Chandragupta Maurya to become a King. Satish Mishra has also done the same to Mayawati.
Being a good human being is the answer. Dont spread hatred.

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