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we are not Hindu
by on May 14, 2007 10:26 AM

SC/ST/BCs being the original inhabitants of India are not Hindu and never Hindu. When we are not Hindu but victims of Hinduism then why fear and worship Hindu gods? Is it not our foolishness?

A question is asked: %u201CAdmitted we are not Hindu, then what religion we should follow and worship which god?%u201D Babasaheb has answered this question also. All the original inhabitants of India, particularly the Dalits, ­who are the leaders of Indian revolution, have their own indigenous religion and their own deities%u2014most of them female. We have forgotten them under Brahminical influence.

The educated among the Dalits should have taken up the task of reminding these warnings of Babasaheb and saving our people from the jaws of Brahminism. There also we failed. And this all-round failure has made the slaves enjoy their slavery. And brought us to this living hell. We are stuck.

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