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Supplement your argument with facts
by Shak IsHere on Mar 03, 2007 02:33 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

People have been writing things here regarding Pakistans economic state which is totally fictitious.
In 2005, the World Bank reported that
"Pakistan was the top reformer in the region and the number 10 reformer globally %u2014 making it easier to start a business, reducing the cost to register property, increasing penalties for violating corporate governance rules, and replacing a requirement to license every shipment with two-year duration licenses for traders."
Also the GDP in Pakistan was ranked at 140 just behind India at 137(2005 figures). Economic rate of growth was 8.5% India's 8%. Point here is there is not much difference in economic conditions in India and Pakistan at present.
For the record, I am not a Paki (before the so called literate people start calling me names). Do some research and educate yourself instead of blabbering lies

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  RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:05 PM   Permalink
Your are entirly wrong man.
Pakistan never can participate in the race of fast growing countries.India,Russia,China and Brazil is the top performers.India and china sustain their strong and robust enconmy growth.I would like to inform,indian companies hungry in cross border acquision.The globalization gives more impact.I can tell confidentely,pakistan is not a place where you invest the money.
Can you ensure political stability in pakistan?Terririsiom,poverty,worst GDP.They never give the importance to the Womens.India has the lot of potential strength.India has the capability of overtake the china in next 20 years and US in next 50 years.I am not tell this.Lot of Econmical experts mentioning in their interviews.Now you can think where pakistan stands?where india stands?

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  RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by Shak IsHere on Mar 03, 2007 03:21 PM   Permalink
My intention was not to compare India with Pakistan. I tried to make a point that the economy in Pak is not in shambles as people have been writing here(food for infants etc.).

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  RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 03:10 PM   Permalink
Dont get excited man.... I was just joking...hahaha

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  RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by sudhir kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:15 PM   Permalink
There is absolutely no comparison b/w India and Pakistan.Because of its sheer size ,India is better off anytime.
When you translate those growth percentages(which are similar) in to absolute numbers ,the difference would be very very huge(at least 50 times) and there lies our advantageous position anytime.
Also if you have read recent news reports,India has become a donor nation while Pakistan still depends on begging for its survival and these missile tests.

Jai Hind.

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  RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 04:27 PM   Permalink
you have said what i guess.As a democracy country we will not interfere into any country internal affairs.But pakistan need to solve the poverty and womens development.But they wasted time to test the other country missile.So pakistan may be quality controller.

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  RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by mymail rediffmail on Mar 03, 2007 03:41 PM   Permalink
dear shak u got some good figures.
do u watch cricket? once a batsmen who was had faced 40 odd balls and had scored 8 runs. On taking a double a commentator described how his runrate was improving.

wht i mean to say is stop wasting ur time on futile researches.
a developed European country might have a negative a growth rate and lower GDP. its does not mean pak has surpassed these european countries
and besides there is nothing below hell. so pak has only 1 way to go

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  RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 04:23 PM   Permalink
you have good analytical skills.keep it up!

I think shal learned some lesson from us.

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  RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 02:42 PM   Permalink
If that is true I want to pack up my bags and settle down in Pakistan

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Pak test-fires N-capable missile