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RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:05 PM

Your are entirly wrong man.
Pakistan never can participate in the race of fast growing countries.India,Russia,China and Brazil is the top performers.India and china sustain their strong and robust enconmy growth.I would like to inform,indian companies hungry in cross border acquision.The globalization gives more impact.I can tell confidentely,pakistan is not a place where you invest the money.
Can you ensure political stability in pakistan?Terririsiom,poverty,worst GDP.They never give the importance to the Womens.India has the lot of potential strength.India has the capability of overtake the china in next 20 years and US in next 50 years.I am not tell this.Lot of Econmical experts mentioning in their interviews.Now you can think where pakistan stands?where india stands?

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