in this country where infant death rate is of peak level due to lack of food & milk is it necessary for these useless tests.can god save pakistan, can god brainwash its unworthy dictator?
RE:god save pakistan
by Shak IsHere on Mar 03, 2007 02:04 PM Permalink
kasak some facts for you -according to world bank development indicators for 2006 while Indias GDP is ranked at 137 Pakistan is just behind india at 140. Also economy growth rate of India for 2005 was 8% while for Pakistan its was 8.5%. Means the economic conditions in both countries are quite similar
RE:RE:RE:god save pakistan
by Shak IsHere on Mar 03, 2007 02:38 PM Permalink
Go and read the world bank report for 2005. It has much positive things about Pakistan than India. How can you explain the GDP as regards to your Millionaire income v/s Beggar income argument
RE:RE:RE:RE:god save pakistan
by shiva kumar on Mar 03, 2007 04:49 PM Permalink
Dear Friends,,
shiva : Here is some stats:India's 2006 GDP:796.1Billion USD whr as pak is only 427.3 Billion USD.india z growing by 8.5% ahr as pak is growing by 6.6% in GDP.One more point will clearly indicate the economic status between the two coutries.Our forex reserve was 190Billion USD in 2006 whr as pakis was 14.2 billon USD.So that we can clearly come to a conclution that pak is no way near to India in economic status and growth.It z better pak invests on its economic growth and its well being of its people rather than compete with India.If it wants to declare a fight against India ,it will be the end of that nation.
RE:god save pakistan
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:19 PM Permalink
India is not so far ahead of Pakistan too. Why is India spending so much on defence
RE:RE:god save pakistan
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 01:25 PM Permalink
I agree with the fact that India is spending billions of dollars on defence equipment. But we should understand the fact that Pakistan is not the only enemy. There are others like China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. It is just a deterrence to China as you said earlier in the case of Pakistan.
RE:RE:RE:god save pakistan
by SAYED JAFFAR on Mar 03, 2007 01:43 PM Permalink
Can i ask you a question? You named most of your neighbors as your enemy. Have you ever given it some thought how is it possible that majority of countries bordering India has problems with India???? Maybe there is something which Indian government is not doing right. Don't you think so?????
RE:RE:RE:RE:god save pakistan
by tan on Mar 03, 2007 01:43 PM Permalink
I agree with you Sandeep. There is some one who is makin sense in this forum. Why cant u stupid people understand. US on one side sells pakistan with F-16s & allows pakistan to purchase missiles from china. Even to the extent Us has allowed paskistan to tranfer one of its F-16 to china in order for china to develope a better fighter jet. And after this US comes to india and is prepared to transfer the whole technology of F-18 super hornet to india. Why cant people on both sides under that main intent This is for US to keep its people employed and economy growing and weakening india as well as pakistan Pakistanis as usual havent got a brain, we indians are very intelligent people why dont we understand this and take action...
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:god save pakistan
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:53 PM Permalink
it is a very complicated situation. Passions are high on both sides. It will lots of diplomacy lots of statesmen like behavior from both sides and if i may say so, india should also take the initiative, avoiding Pakistan and China wont do, alteast some progress is being made on chinese front
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:god save pakistan
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:49 PM Permalink
tan i dont think US has caused the problem. Like pure businessmen they are just exploiting the situation. It is upto India,Pakistan and China to understand this and live peacefully i am not sure it will happen though as Pakistan is very stubborn