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RE:RE:RE:RE:god save pakistan
by shiva kumar on Mar 03, 2007 04:49 PM

Dear Friends,,

shiva :
Here is some stats:India's 2006 GDP:796.1Billion USD whr as pak is only 427.3 Billion USD.india z growing by 8.5% ahr as pak is growing by 6.6% in GDP.One more point will clearly indicate the economic status between the two coutries.Our forex reserve was 190Billion USD in 2006 whr as pakis was 14.2 billon USD.So that we can clearly come to a conclution that pak is no way near to India in economic status and growth.It z better pak invests on its economic growth and its well being of its people rather than compete with India.If it wants to declare a fight against India ,it will be the end of that nation.

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Pak test-fires N-capable missile