I am going to say something to my fellows, that whenever there is any new regarding pakistan whether it is politcal, sports or any development in terms of technology or war heads , why most of u guys are jelous of that .. to u think pakistan should develop in every respect...when india is trying its level best to compete with the developed country, ehy not pakistan.. when india uses U.S , Israiel and russian technology why u guys are jelous when pakistan uses china, or someother countries help according to u guys or what ever.. who is the real threat to the world... if we see the path calmlessly , it is U.S and Israiel who is the real threat to the world.. see the vetinam war, iraq war, afganistan war or what is happening in palistine or what israiel did with jordan or who attacked twin tower. investigations had confirmed that it has been planned and attacked by the U.S and israiels...
by rais aalum on Mar 03, 2007 02:57 PM Permalink
So u r aware that U.S is intreated in attaking other countries for its evil reasons... this is the reason that pak is improving its warhead technology... to protect itself ...it is better for india as well to improve its warhead technology to protect itself from attack by U.S as anything can happen..it may be after war in pak..as prdected by you...
by rais aalum on Mar 03, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
So u r aware that U.S is intreated in attaking other countries for its evil reasons... this is the reason that pak is improving its warhead technology... to protect itself ...it is better for india as well to improve its warhead technology to protect itself from attack by U.S as anything can happen..it may be after war in pak..as prdected by you...
by rais aalum on Mar 03, 2007 03:03 PM Permalink
So u r aware that U.S is intreated in attaking other countries for its evil reasons... this is the reason that pak is improving its warhead technology... to protect itself ...it is better for india as well to improve its warhead technology to protect itself from attack by U.S as anything can happen..it may be after war in pak..as prdected by you...
by rais aalum on Mar 03, 2007 02:54 PM Permalink
So u r aware that U.S is intreated in attaking other countries for its evil reasons... this is the reason that pak is improving its warhead technology... to protect itself ...it is better for india as well to improve its warhead technology to protect itself from attack by U.S as anything can happen..it may be after war in pak..as prdected by you...
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:09 PM Permalink
rais aalum keep the madrassa thoughts to yourself about USA and rest of the world being evil and Muslims being good people. Not many will believe that crap here. Use it where it works.
by rais aalum on Mar 03, 2007 03:15 PM Permalink
Nor i am friend of pak nor enemy of india... i only want to state that why we r not putting our voice against the real threat to the world i,e U.S and Israiel. dont you think that killing of hundreds and thousands of innocent people in vietnam, afganistan, iraq, palistine, jordan etc...is justified and ignorded by the so called civilised people of modern world... when we are worried by the terrorists why not to worry for the root cause of the so called terrorists...
about the economy of pak n india , pak is much closer to india . GDP and economic growth rate of pak is much closer to india..
i only want to convey that we should shed hatred amoung each other , n concentrate on what you have mentioned.....
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:21 PM Permalink
"i only want to state that why we r not putting our voice against the real threat to the world i,e U.S and Israiel."
you talk like a rabid brainwashed guy. India will do good to align with those nations rathe than terrorist hotbeds which will make no bones about seeing India divided or terrorised everyday. The interests of India and Muslim nations come together rarely. Don't confuse poverty of third world nations with severe victimhood complex and jehadi thought that many in India don't subscribe to. That job is left for Islamic states.
by raja kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:17 PM Permalink
Thou, I understand ur concern and accept the media Exaggerates the issues. It is unfair from ur part to conclude Indians are jealous about Pak,Pak is never a matter of envy for Indians. Coming to political system,in Pak there is no political system as it is ruled by a dictator and all the ex-primeministers fled to Europe to save thier life. In Sports, PCB is not in a position to declare where abouts of akthar and Asif before world cup,what is the position of Pak in recent olympics Coming to development, tell me one area where Pak is better than India. consider the number of refugees,suicide killers,bombings,terrorists and terrorist training centers.