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by rais aalum on Mar 03, 2007 03:15 PM

Nor i am friend of pak nor enemy of india... i only want to state that why we r not putting our voice against the real threat to the world i,e U.S and Israiel. dont you think that killing of hundreds and thousands of innocent people in vietnam, afganistan, iraq, palistine, jordan justified and ignorded by the so called civilised people of modern world... when we are worried by the terrorists why not to worry for the root cause of the so called terrorists...

about the economy of pak n india , pak is much closer to india . GDP and economic growth rate of pak is much closer to india..

i only want to convey that we should shed hatred amoung each other , n concentrate on what you have mentioned.....

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Pak test-fires N-capable missile