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by halwai sanjay on Mar 03, 2007 01:20 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Pakistan should understand one thing very clearly that they can not do anything to india even if they produce thousand of Missiles.
Reason is very clear .We Indian are united & are prepared to face any eventuality at any point of time . We are peace loving people & want to see Pakistan also prosper like India .
One thing we want to warne Pakistan clearly - Do not dare & even think to attack . This time we will not forgive you. In fact, this time Pakistan will be removed from World map .Pl make a note of this.

We suggest, instead of developing these missile , better invest your money in education ,health , Infrastructure etc .

If you need our support, we are always there to extend our helping hand.

"Jai hind"

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by SAYED JAFFAR on Mar 03, 2007 01:35 PM   Permalink
I do not understand why Indians are so paranoid when Pakistan test missiles. As far I know, India test its missiles periodically. Why so much talk about Pakistan doing the same??? Like any soverign state Pakistan has the right to test its missiles and weapons so they can make them better and better. And same is true for India and any other country in this world. To my all Indian friends and brothers, If pakistan is testing there is no point to be afraid because Pakistan knows that India has either the same or better weapons which can be used against them if they every try to launch anything against India.

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by halwai sanjay on Mar 03, 2007 01:47 PM   Permalink
Dear Jaffer ,

We are not afraid of Pakistan or any other country. The country which can not produce even cracker are testing missile which every body knows have been imported from China/Korea.
Mr Sayed , Your memory seems to be very weak. History says that , these missile being produced for whom ??????

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by bharatiya on Mar 03, 2007 03:15 PM   Permalink
Yeah Sayed. I agree to the following 2 things:

1. Pakistan is growing as fast as the whole region which means the pakis are as talented as anyone else. There's no reason for us to underestimate Pakistan or Pakistanis.

2. Hostility will only give us more misery. We are not in a position to avenge historical misdeeds of anyone.

Having said this, its common knowldege that the reason why the Pakistanis hate India is because India is a SECULAR country i.e. does not discriminate between its citizens based on religion i.e. India puts all the religions on the same pedastal...this is a sin in some of the religions. But the children in India are not taught anything against any religion. In fact they are taught to respect all religions (of course a miniscule minority of Indians differs). More so, the Indian children are never told the full details of the Islamic invasions lest they shoul start hating Muslims. CAN PAKISTAN CLAIM THE SAME LEVEL OF FAIRNESS TO ALL RELIGIONS?

Alas, today's generation of both the coutries should avoid looking at each other with hatred. Then only we can have a lasting peace...BUT NOT BEFORE PKISTAN STOPS PREACHING ITS YOUNGSTERS HATRED AGAINST HINDUS.

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by lokesh mehta on Mar 03, 2007 02:57 PM   Permalink
You are right, we are reading to much between lines

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Pak test-fires N-capable missile