1. Pakistan is growing as fast as the whole region which means the pakis are as talented as anyone else. There's no reason for us to underestimate Pakistan or Pakistanis.
2. Hostility will only give us more misery. We are not in a position to avenge historical misdeeds of anyone.
Having said this, its common knowldege that the reason why the Pakistanis hate India is because India is a SECULAR country i.e. does not discriminate between its citizens based on religion i.e. India puts all the religions on the same pedastal...this is a sin in some of the religions. But the children in India are not taught anything against any religion. In fact they are taught to respect all religions (of course a miniscule minority of Indians differs). More so, the Indian children are never told the full details of the Islamic invasions lest they shoul start hating Muslims. CAN PAKISTAN CLAIM THE SAME LEVEL OF FAIRNESS TO ALL RELIGIONS?
Alas, today's generation of both the coutries should avoid looking at each other with hatred. Then only we can have a lasting peace...BUT NOT BEFORE PKISTAN STOPS PREACHING ITS YOUNGSTERS HATRED AGAINST HINDUS.