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Vote- Vote judiciously.
by ck on Jun 27, 2007 06:13 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The root cause is
1. Indians who vote are not educated.
2. Educated Indians rarely vote.
3. Educated elite people dont prefer entering politics. Those who dare are turned down by the "junta".
4. So it becomes very difficult decision for an average educated indian - To choose among the candidates of famous political parties (please read "goondas").He decides not to vote. And thats the MISTAKE.
5. We should have a "NEGATIVE VOTE" where in people can vote against a candidate also.

Point number 5 is a must thing to be implemented in a democracy like India.

These "Maya"vatis,sure will never come up

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  RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by satya on Jun 27, 2007 06:17 PM   Permalink
why are you sad with mayawati rule. whats wrong if she has earned some money at least she can keep the bramins under control. what else do you want ? I am ready to get collect more money for her as long as she keeps the dirty brahmins in control

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  RE:RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by Greeneyed Guru on Jun 27, 2007 07:35 PM   Permalink
all thses crimes r out of the box because of the bramins!

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  RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by satya on Jun 27, 2007 06:34 PM   Permalink
hahaha y are you getting so exited...these are just the fruits of the tree that you have been watering since thousands of the lower castes are giving back the brahmins what they have given to them... :-)

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  RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by satya on Jun 27, 2007 06:35 PM   Permalink
Lions ??? :-) hahahahaha

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  RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by bhabani satapathy on Jun 27, 2007 06:27 PM   Permalink
Get lost... you OBC/SC/ST what ever you might be.

Now you all are beggars.. that's why crying for reservations...

If you have gotts then come and proove yourself.

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  RE:RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by satya on Jun 27, 2007 06:30 PM   Permalink is our country, our government and our sit on the side and enjoy the fun...

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  RE:RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by Greeneyed Guru on Jun 27, 2007 07:33 PM   Permalink
we bc's and dalits have proved our selves. that is why although you upper caste have put us down we have come back to rule you! so please stop crying and learn to be ruled in future.

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  RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by praveen on Jun 27, 2007 08:25 PM   Permalink
hi ck,
your point makes sense and interests me...
would like to add a few more..

>India has taken democracy from britain, but forgot to acknowledge the fact that the countries like US,UK,AUS,NZ has educated masses amd who have mind to think. They vote accordingly. In india, where 50% voting people can't think in the interest of the country and lacks awareness decided the Govt. What a Pity..

2> All the countried mentioned above have hardly 2-3 party system. Whereas in India the numbers are countless..

So the real problem is the generated by the person who has made this voting system..

There should have been a eligibility criteria for the candidates. Plus the rule to make alliances before Voting starts and no party adla badla after the results are out.

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  RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by prabhat mohanty on Jun 27, 2007 08:48 PM   Permalink
Indian voters are yet to come up with a leader like George Bush!
I guess, Indian Voters are not that bad.

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