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RE:Vote- Vote judiciously.
by praveen on Jun 27, 2007 08:25 PM

hi ck,
your point makes sense and interests me...
would like to add a few more..

>India has taken democracy from britain, but forgot to acknowledge the fact that the countries like US,UK,AUS,NZ has educated masses amd who have mind to think. They vote accordingly. In india, where 50% voting people can't think in the interest of the country and lacks awareness decided the Govt. What a Pity..

2> All the countried mentioned above have hardly 2-3 party system. Whereas in India the numbers are countless..

So the real problem is the generated by the person who has made this voting system..

There should have been a eligibility criteria for the candidates. Plus the rule to make alliances before Voting starts and no party adla badla after the results are out.

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