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Strange Judgement
by pradeep kumar on Jul 31, 2007 07:55 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

This judgement is not last judgement for all accused which were conducted by special court . Therefore one should keep mum and see what happen in higher court. One thing is clear the judge made himself immortal by passing the judgement.Lot many in india posses the arms which Sanjay had they even use at the election time or so but no one taking notice of that. All should be treated same.So many dacoit of chambal have dangerous weapons and killed numbers of innocent peoples.Later they were pardoned and even a few fought election to became MP. So many terrorist surrendered and pardoned in Jk and Assam even got employment What the Jade like Mr. Kode says about those partiality. It is obivious to make him self Hero in the eye of commoner.May be one day he become Chief Justice of Supreme Court. Now a days law can bought and sell. Present day context Indian Penal code need a Through Overhauling.

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  RE:Strange Judgement
by sanju thakur on Jul 31, 2007 08:42 PM   Permalink
what type of person u are? if something is happening righ then u are saying ,judge pd kode want to make him immortal, bt tell me he would have given statement in favour of dutt then u wud have sid one more culprit is free to go. so mr pradeep kumar ji,it is not important that u have to say something, it is more important what u are saying is? and one more thing pd kode has shown his honesty and told us there are still some indians who want india to be the best.and 2ndly pd kode cannot improve whole india, but his deeds can show path to other judges and common people. bbyeee, hope u will use ur mind and write next time which can boost the moral of ordinary indian,thanks.

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  RE:Strange Judgement
by Amit Sharma on Jul 31, 2007 08:23 PM   Permalink
Not all dacoits of Chambal and terrorists in NE and Kashmir get all the frills you have mentioned. About 95% of them get killed or rot in jails. Moreover those becoming dacoits and terrorists because of political, social and economical imbalances. Nor they do that only for fun. What is Sanju's excuse for possesing AK-56. Self defence!! Bull shit!! Tomorrow he will ask for a battle tank. He kept that weapon in his all senses and must be knowing what the hell TADA is? He is well known, educated, rich, well connected(MP Pa and Sis)....he could have simply asked for police protection. If he(or you) still belives that police protection is not enough than who says that its a compulsion to live in India. Simply Get Lost if you do not have trust in India.

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  RE:Strange Judgement
by Jayanto Roy on Jul 31, 2007 09:05 PM   Permalink
Mr. Amit Sharma,
Hv u ever faced threats to u & ur family during riots. i guess never. Put urself in Sanjay Dutt's position & think what u wud hv done in case u wud hv rcvd repeated threats. U wud hv gone to the police...correct? But my dear u think that wud hv ensured ur family's safety in that situation? Desperate situation sometimes need desperate measures. And if u r a man u wud go to any extent to ensure ur family's safety. So please think think think before u give examples of battle tanks & all that rot !

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  RE:RE:Strange Judgement
by Ram Chauthariya on Jul 31, 2007 08:24 PM   Permalink
Yes, I agree. Judge was only self promoting himself. The sentence does not fit the crime (possessing a firearm)

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  RE:Strange Judgement
by Gaurav Sharma on Jul 31, 2007 08:21 PM   Permalink
Do you have genes to appreciate someone's judgement? Get a life you !!

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Sanjay's kin meet him in jail