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RE:Strange Judgement
by Amit Sharma on Jul 31, 2007 08:23 PM

Not all dacoits of Chambal and terrorists in NE and Kashmir get all the frills you have mentioned. About 95% of them get killed or rot in jails. Moreover those becoming dacoits and terrorists because of political, social and economical imbalances. Nor they do that only for fun. What is Sanju's excuse for possesing AK-56. Self defence!! Bull shit!! Tomorrow he will ask for a battle tank. He kept that weapon in his all senses and must be knowing what the hell TADA is? He is well known, educated, rich, well connected(MP Pa and Sis)....he could have simply asked for police protection. If he(or you) still belives that police protection is not enough than who says that its a compulsion to live in India. Simply Get Lost if you do not have trust in India.

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Sanjay's kin meet him in jail