Its easy to crticise indain judicial system, tell me what is the evidence that we have that Monica actively supported Abu salem in his crimes, she may be just with him as a lover.
We are a democractic country thats is why it is admired all over the world.
We are not like Australians that we charge a person on terrorism charges becoz he gave a SIM card when he was returning from that country.
See the cruelty of that govet, when they thought he would get bail, they revoked his visa. If this is the attitude more kafeel and would be born. Australia should have shown greatness by releasing haneef and could have had impacted many jehadis that these people are good
RE:Whats the proof of Monica's involvement ?
by sanjay bhardwaj on Jul 17, 2007 06:23 PM Permalink
Dear Muqtadir if she was not supporting him than at least she knew he was a criminal then why was she staying with him at his house / hotel / club / etc .....
Dear Muqtadir bhai also send some sleeping pills to pmo office ... since now that Haneef has been formerly charged our great & honourable PM must have lost his sleep, hunger & also desire to live .........
the muslims jehadis are fighting in asia (iarq, iran, saudi, pakistan, india, etc), in europe (spain, uk, france, cis countries, etc) in africa (tanzania, zanzibar, somalia, eritrea, sahara, egypt, libya) in america (canada, usa, etc) & in australia .... try to understand that no matter what u say the truth is that muslim jehadis are a cause for aboout 90% or more of the world bombings ...
RE:RE:Whats the proof of Monica\'s involvement ?
by truthandonlytruth on Jul 17, 2007 06:39 PM Permalink
While you are feeling for her so much, what were you doing to free her. Just dont crap in rediff.
RE:Whats the proof of Monica's involvement ?
by truthandonlytruth on Jul 17, 2007 06:42 PM Permalink
Hey Muqtadir , Instead of crapping in rediff, get the heck to Australia to save your fellow Jihadi. Dont bark from here. Dogs might be good animals but Dogs are DOGS always!
RE:Whats the proof of Monica's involvement ?
by truthandonlytruth on Jul 17, 2007 06:43 PM Permalink
Monica was eating/sleeping/$hitting/$crewing with Abu Salem but why did nt she inform the Indian authorities?
RE:Whats the proof of Monica's involvement ?
by Haroon Ghalib on Jul 17, 2007 08:19 PM Permalink
is it mandatory to inform???? LOL dhakan kahien ka!she loved him!! Ullo k kaaan pora parh to lay likha kya ha!!!so ifshe slept a person it becomes compulsor for her to tell police!if she had even then u wud have said saali jis plate mien khayie usi mein chee!! atleast she upheld her love!! teri awein sar rehi ha k Abu Salem kin leta raha mien leta! tu baita yahan net per pics dekh aur sarrrrrrrrr LOL
RE:Whats the proof of Monica's involvement ?
by Abhinav on Jul 17, 2007 10:08 PM Permalink
dear she is alos supposed to love her country..........we r all supposed to be responsible citizens first...........and we r supposed to inform the state about nefarious activities..............
yes she can always clai in court that she did not know about we all know what is the truth..........