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RE:Whats the proof of Monica's involvement ?
by sanjay bhardwaj on Jul 17, 2007 06:23 PM

Dear Muqtadir if she was not supporting him than at least she knew he was a criminal then why was she staying with him at his house / hotel / club / etc .....

Dear Muqtadir bhai also send some sleeping pills to pmo office ... since now that Haneef has been formerly charged our great & honourable PM must have lost his sleep, hunger & also desire to live .........

the muslims jehadis are fighting in asia (iarq, iran, saudi, pakistan, india, etc), in europe (spain, uk, france, cis countries, etc) in africa (tanzania, zanzibar, somalia, eritrea, sahara, egypt, libya) in america (canada, usa, etc) & in australia .... try to understand that no matter what u say the truth is that muslim jehadis are a cause for aboout 90% or more of the world bombings ...

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Monica to be out on bail soon