Yes, that, in the final analysis, is the absolute truth about this deal. I am not saying this from a layman or a vested bureaucrat or a venal politician's point of view. I am talking from a purely technological point of view. To emphasise it without any doubt, INDIA DOESN'T NEED THIS DEAL AT ALL!! It will be a great tragedy for our country if this UPA government is allowed to sign this deal and completely surrender our Nuclear independence. What are the real reasons for coming to this decision? 1. America's civil nuke technology is 'pealeolythic' in all technical and scientific terms. To simply state it is simply primitive! YES THAT IS THE REAL TRUTH. 2. There is no civil nuke R&D base worth the name in the US. There fission technology is far behind that of India. And there is no fast breeder or fusion technology research knowledge base of any significant worth there. Here again India is an international leader. 3. India hardly generate 10,000 MW of Nuke power. Even adding another 30,000 MW would hardly meet 10% of India's total energy needs. So Nuke technology definitely does not have a great role to play in our energy security. But India's current independent civil nuke R&D base is an absolutely great national asset and of greatest strategic importance. We should not mortgage it for nothing in return. The American plan to press India to sign 123 Agreement is for its own security reasons and not an iota for India's energy security. They want to steal Indi's Fast Breeder T
RE:India soesn't need this deal at all!!
by vikas sethi on Jul 16, 2007 11:41 AM Permalink
If deal with US is signed, there is no compulsion on India to buy from US. It can buy from other countries like Russia or France. Without this deal, under international law, even the other countries cannot supply. True, India is a leader in fast breeder, but even here, we need the uranium for the initial cycle. With less than 1% of world reserves, we cannot run both civilian &military nuclear plants. But if we get Uranium from reprocessed spent fuel it can run our civilian reactors& our own Uranium reserves can be used for defence purpose.What is the harm if we are to get the deal on our terms (perpetual fuel supplies and Reprocessing rights). That is what we are negotiating for.India is a strong country. The US needs India as much as we need the US for technology. My contention to all those who oppose the deal is very simple and plain. If someone has already invented a circle, why should we waste time, money and effort to reinvent the same. Buy off the technology and then use our brains and money to move forward from there. We will reach up higher,faster and surer. We need to think of our growth and of our self interest.If we do a SWOT analysis,the benefits of this deal far outweigh the negatives. This deal is a 2way street. We also get a sort of leverage with US.A ship is always safe at the shores but that is not what it is built for. Let us show more confidence and belief in our own country and in its abilities.
It is always easiest to think naively that we will benefit from this deal, especially when you assume so many things to start with. No one, mark my words, NO ONE has benefitted by signing any deals with US. Go through the history of all treaties signed by different nations with US (a google search will give you a whole list). What will strike like a sleadgehammer on seeing this list is that ALL THOSE COUNTRIES WERE LEFT WITH MUD IN THEIR FACE IN COURSE OF TIME RESULTING FROM EITHER US'S NOT KEEPING TO IT'S TERMS OR EVEN OUTRIGHT CHEATING. And that happened in each and every one of those Agreements!!! Help yourself to the google search and get the firsthand feel! If you are still not convinced then write back to me. I will help you with some leads to follow. OK?
RE:India soesn't need this deal at all!!
by gatzzz on Jul 16, 2007 12:47 PM Permalink
Almost every major country in the world has signed treaties with United States including the top nations like France, Russia, Germany, England, Japan and China etc. All these countries have benefitted a lot being alinged with US especially Japan brining it to the second biggest economy in the world.
This is not a kids game to cheat one other. India isnt an immature nation. We are a notable power in the world now. Both the parties have their respective benefits out of this agreement. Thus the 123 agreement.
RE:India soesn't need this deal at all!!
by Dr. Rakesh Chander Yashroy on Jul 16, 2007 12:51 PM Permalink
It is heartening to read analysis of the 123 (non)-deal by our intelligent and aware netizens. A clear conclusions seemingly emerging is: we only want a business deal to the advantage of both parters with no strings, whatsoever, attached to our freedom of future nuclear security and country's development.Dr. RC YashRoy
RE:RE:India soesn't need this deal at all!!
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on Jul 16, 2007 11:33 AM Permalink
What about Agni, Prithvi, UAV, Dhruv... and many More.. What about, INSAT3/3A/4A/4C/ CARTOSAT, ASTROSAT, PSALV, GSLV.... We have launched foriegn satellite from our own Lauch vehicles from India itself. U also dont go by past laurels of usa. There are many failures in usa too. Discovery tragedy, Nasa would have been failure again wrt atlantis though last minute repair work by Russian Space Scientists saved them. Else along with Kalpana Chawla, another one also would have been a past memory..
RE:India soesn't need this deal at all!!
by Sonu Madhavan on Jul 16, 2007 12:43 PM Permalink
well said
i totally agree with u these people are the realy problem they are afraid of failure and thus they cant make any thing just buy from other
Even ameracia as many failure in past they lost many lives during there space programms, there nucelear research programm there and during making many other things but they does'nt give up they try and try again and thatwhy it is now where it is .
RE:India soesn't need this deal at all!!
by inkypinky on Jul 16, 2007 11:55 AM Permalink
think most of those missiles are russian technology, not indigeneous. once isro starts viable large-scale commercial launches like ariane-space, nasa or glavkosmos, they can be considered seriously.