Yes, that, in the final analysis, is the absolute truth about this deal. I am not saying this from a layman or a vested bureaucrat or a venal politician's point of view. I am talking from a purely technological point of view. To emphasise it without any doubt, INDIA DOESN'T NEED THIS DEAL AT ALL!! It will be a great tragedy for our country if this UPA government is allowed to sign this deal and completely surrender our Nuclear independence. What are the real reasons for coming to this decision? 1. America's civil nuke technology is 'pealeolythic' in all technical and scientific terms. To simply state it is simply primitive! YES THAT IS THE REAL TRUTH. 2. There is no civil nuke R&D base worth the name in the US. There fission technology is far behind that of India. And there is no fast breeder or fusion technology research knowledge base of any significant worth there. Here again India is an international leader. 3. India hardly generate 10,000 MW of Nuke power. Even adding another 30,000 MW would hardly meet 10% of India's total energy needs. So Nuke technology definitely does not have a great role to play in our energy security. But India's current independent civil nuke R&D base is an absolutely great national asset and of greatest strategic importance. We should not mortgage it for nothing in return. The American plan to press India to sign 123 Agreement is for its own security reasons and not an iota for India's energy security. They want to steal Indi's Fast Breeder T