What will these so-called radicals irrespective of whether he is a Muslim, Hindu or a Christian do when they realise after death that the different Gods they have ben fighting for is ONE. They will kick their own butts for having died in the name of religion !!!!
RE:God is One
by inkypinky on Jul 07, 2007 03:16 PM Permalink
correct, all modern religions originated in mesopotamia where civilzation first arose around 7,000 BC and spread east & west.
yahweh/allh - (god of jews, chirstians, muslims) - means ONE
brahman - (god of hindus/buddhists) - means ONE
various prophets & holy men interpreted it in differnt ways resulting in different religions.
RE:God is One
by prakash kumar on Jul 07, 2007 03:15 PM Permalink
that there is only one way, that it has been revealed to only one person, that it is set out in only one Book, that for your own good you must follow it, that if you do not do so I am
on duty bound to compel you to follow it, and, if you still persist in your sin and error, to put you out; and his reflection on its consequences - aggressive proselytisation, intolerance, violence and tyranny -
RE:God is One
by inkypinky on Jul 07, 2007 03:17 PM Permalink
correct, all modern religions originated in mesopotamia where civilzation first arose around 7,000 BC and spread east & west.
yahweh/allah - (god of jews, chirstians, muslims) - means ONE
brahman - (god of hindus/buddhists) - means ONE
various prophets & holy men interpreted it in differnt ways resulting in different religions.
RE:God is One
by Gita Yeshwanth on Jul 07, 2007 03:09 PM Permalink
what you reap is what you sow.Have you ever come across christian missionaries preaching for tolerances towards other religions.Have you come across Muslim Ulemas respecting other religons. Hindusim is the only religion which does not preach hatred .
RE:God is One
by Rajesh Nair on Jul 07, 2007 03:15 PM Permalink
Hindhusim was never a Religion. Can anyone claim that Hinduism was founded by so and so person. Hinduism is a way of Life. And we are equally proud of it. All the Prophets , irrespective of Christ or prophet or Muhammad preached God is One. Lord Sri Krishna was instrumental in depicteing the one'nes of God in Bhagwad - Gita. But, alas, ti,mes have so changed that our dear brethern have forgotten the very basis of which a religion was founded. We hear Christians depicting Christ as God, whilst He himself said that he is the 'Son of God'. We have some hardened Muslims fighting in the name of Islam, whilst Islam was one religion which was founded for Peace. To cut short, Religion has gone to the DOGS !!!
RE:RE:God is One
by sivajibhai on Jul 07, 2007 03:16 PM Permalink
Religion can never go to DOGS. It is the people who are following religion who are DOGS!!! Think! All religion has been founded by learned people and do you mean to say that you are more learned than them that you can make a sweeping statement that Religion has gone to DOGS!!!!!
RE:RE:God is One
by Gita Yeshwanth on Jul 07, 2007 03:26 PM Permalink
The point what i am stressing is Mercy/compassion is only showered on the person who believes in the name of allah ,and not to the people of other communities.It is the same with evangical community who try to convert .Recall the Honourable Pope words at Delhi in not so many words where there interests LAY .
RE:God is One
by ashok leyland on Jul 07, 2007 06:20 PM Permalink
Gita, Hindusim is not free of abuse.Where there is man there is abuse and exploitation, this is in his nature. Man strives to be the strongest, have the most power because it brings wealth and subjugates people. Hinduism is a philosophy that if not abused is far freer of human errors than Islam or Christianity. But are we who have been born in a nation of prejudice and exploitation prepared to show compassion, equality and fraternity to our fellow human beings? In this case the mullahs and fanatics have simply used religion to gain power. The masses who have no education, have seen no other reality, have not even heard to other countries, can hardly be blamed. These poor young boys are brainwashed and the result is that they may lose their lives, but the mullahs will be safely hidden to continue their evil ways.
RE:God is One
by sivajibhai on Jul 07, 2007 03:12 PM Permalink
How sure are you about that? Why are you so biased? Are you blind to the castiest violence that we have been seeing in India all these years? All Religion and prophets and scriptures are perfect. It is the PEOPLE who follow them who are imperfect. The philosophy is not to be blamed.
RE:God is One
by Rajesh Nair on Jul 07, 2007 03:24 PM Permalink
Religion has gone to the Dogs doesnt imply to the founders of Religions who profound Love. The statement merely empahsizes the theory of religion followed by the so-called radicals