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Follow the real Ideals
by gracious guy on Jul 07, 2007 04:35 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Muslims need to foll thereal Icons and Idols of Islam. They need to understand the real teachings of Prophet who won over his most strident opponents with his Character, uprightness, kindness and mercy. Not one incedence of his life can be pointed out where he acted out of vengenace against his bitterest of enemies, he even showed mercy to the killer of his Dear uncle Hamza. He visited to enquire about the health and well being of an Old lady who used to throw rubbish on himwhenhe would pass her house, he never shouted at her and also never took detour from her house even though people suggested him, eventualy seeing him at her house she understood what it means to be superlative human being.
He was the one who though bestowed with huge empire and power he treated his slaves with dignity and respects, always restrainted his followers from spreading terror & cautioned them from abusing power. But as soon as his eyes closed the same people turned on their heels to grab power, left his corpse to decide he balance of power - his followers attacked the house of his daughter Bibi Fatima - they set the door the house on fire & crushed Bibi Fatima beteen the falling door and the wall killing the unborn child, put a rope round the Neck of his brother & Son in Law Imam Ali asking him to accept the New Rulers. This act of First terrorism has resulted in upheavals which till date has seen Muslin engrossed in fights and going astray. Muslim now need to understand the follies & correct'em

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  RE:Follow the real Ideals
by Renuka Prasad on Jul 07, 2007 04:33 PM   Permalink
y he needs to have SLAVES, is it a GREAT thing to have SLAVES

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  RE:Follow the real Ideals
by Deepu on Jul 07, 2007 06:25 PM   Permalink
It was usual to have slaves in those times. I beleive you have very less knowledge about History.

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  RE:Follow the real Ideals
by gracious guy on Jul 07, 2007 06:52 PM   Permalink
Dear Ms. Renuka Prasad,
Honestly a very good question! If we have a look at the Arab Society in the time of prophet it was full of degenerated believes and practices, People would fight WArs for generationson flimy reasons like whhis camel drank water from pond before mine? the Girl Child was buried alive or killed? There was no respect and honour for women kind! and There was this c never nulture of having Slaves - who were bonded for generations and mistreated. As any reformer even Holy Prophet intorduced reforms in steps and it was his preachings which said - If anyone had to please the Almighty then he shuld release Slaves. It was supposed to be the noblest of acts to buy slaves from people and release them.
But since there was this custom and practice of slavery there are historically proven records which show that people will accept and become slaves o someone whom they revere, respect and wold want to stay close to them. This is the reason why Princess of African country - Fizza on her own accepted to be a Maid for daughter of Prophet. But then these people never let them feel below dignity and provied and example for other high and Mighty of the Arab world in how to treat someone who were in their care and custody.
By the way if we all remember the so called Morder NAtions of the World praticed Slavery till the mordern times till Abe Linclon had it abolieshed - not that i am justifying anything but only bringing to notice that the slavery cannot be attributed only

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  RE:Follow the real Ideals
by Sarnath Kannan on Jul 07, 2007 08:38 PM   Permalink
Ok Mr. Gracious,

How do u explain the killings and rapings of Mr.Muhamed ? He had sex with 9 year old and has wet dreams about his wife at the age of 56.

Do u honestly think these r qualities of a spiritual leader??

I know that he had a single wife until his age of 40. Then, he attempted to spread his so called religion and somewhere he looks to have got confused. He has used his power over people in wrong way to kill and rape people... How can this possibly be justified ?? It really baffles me.

I think therez something called "sufism" which preaches renunciation. Correct me if I am wrong. It is these milder qualities which should be followed by muslims.

Honestly, Koran has certain verses which can be used to systematically brain wash some persons.... This has to be stopped. And people inside Islam should fight against this evil and manipulated version of Islam. It is upto the good guys inside your religion to save it and uphold the higher ideals(if any).

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  RE:Follow the real Ideals
by Jamshedpur Association on Jul 07, 2007 07:52 PM   Permalink
Very well written in simple language

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