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Dont encourage such interviews
by amogh on Mar 01, 2007 09:39 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dont Encourage such scums in democracy. This man is smart he knows by being moderate he will win the hearts of people in his state. I dont believe he is a moderate. Being Moderate is only a guise to come to power. Does he think indian government is NUTS to pull out security troups. Kashmir is a very important state from strategic and miltary prospective. It is india. When he speaks of Azad kashmir you know whats in his mind. This man is a Satan. Dont trust these Kashmiri Muslims, they are back stabbers. And Dont encourage such ugly interviews it hurts the sentiments of Indian Readers. Are we forgetting Kashmiri Pundits.

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  RE:Dont encourage such interviews
by saurabh vajpayee on Mar 01, 2007 09:45 AM   Permalink
yes please do not entertain such interviews as these people are true supporters of Pakistani policies and have nothin in commmon with Indian government ir the people. When spurned by Pakistan they are now trying to talk peace.

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  RE:Dont encourage such interviews
by ashish shrivastava on Mar 01, 2007 10:51 AM   Permalink
yes, you are rights ,i dont know if he think that he is real kashmire then why dont he talk about 'PAK GIFTED PART OF KASHMIR TO CHINA',
& what about 'KASHMIRI PANDIT',in this worst thing is that even indian government is not speaking any thing on 'kashimiri Pandit'.

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  RE:RE:Dont encourage such interviews
by samir haziq on Mar 01, 2007 10:33 AM   Permalink
Monish Roy,

I think your basic education about Islam and Indian muslims is damn poor and your parents have not instilled any values in you. You seem to be just follow what the british did in India, before partition, divide the Hindus and Muslims and talk shit. The Mughals ruled India for about 500 years and no communal violence has ever been reported, they were just, married Indian women and ruled in the right way, its been more than 50 years since the british left India and instead of working towards strengthening the country, your stupid, perverted mind, is just trying to creating a divide, shame on u and yr thinking. Also please set yr fundas right, India and pakistan have been one country before partition for thousands of years, just 50 years cannot create a permanent divide, its the politicians which play a dirty role by talkin cheap and u r perfectly following in their footsteps. Lastly for yr intellectually poor mind, first get yr fundas right about Islam and muslim people, muslims are the most peace loving people (exceptions and black sheep are everywhere) and Islam promotes peace and brotherhood (check for yrself) and please grow up and talk maturely. People like u are a major impediment in India's growth and stability. Hope is the message is clear to u

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  RE:RE:RE:Dont encourage such interviews
by MONISH ROY on Mar 01, 2007 03:11 PM   Permalink
Samir Haziq,
First of all do not talk about values. Before you talk about British, we have to goback and talk about muslim rule in India. For 500 years they kept India backward and made it a poor country and it is very easy to British to conquer India. But there was at least development during british rule in just 200 years and much more development in the last 60 years once India became independent, despite we bearing the burden of Muslims. About communal violence in muslim rule - is there any free speech and newspapers in muslim rule? Despite all their bad deeds, there was a free press to a great extent in British Rule. The british were fools to keep just dissenting voices in jail. The muslim just killed the people. Hence there was no communal violence. Once there was freedom to some extent during british rule and then after indepenence, the muslims got what they deserve. As far as we Indians are concerned, both british and muslims are invaders. You have your origins elsewhere. The sikhs are always Indians because they have their origins in Inida. The muslims are not Indians because their origins are elsewhere. You are in India at the mercy of Hindus. India and Pakistan was one country for thousands of years - true, but at that time, the people were all Hindus. Once the muslims from arab world invaded, they forcebly converted Hindus and increased their population.
India can grow much faster, if muslims are not here!

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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'