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I apologize.
by saif naik on Feb 27, 2007 01:37 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I sincerly apologize to all my indian brothers and sisters that im posting something here.Everytime is try to speak like an indian and try to drill some sense like denouncing religion and Congress/BJP things just spiral out of control and im called a fanatic and so on and so forth.I apologize to anything that could have hurt anyone

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  RE:I apologize.
by som aditya juyal on Feb 27, 2007 01:43 PM   Permalink
Punjab elections show that anti-incumbancy factor holds high, and the poor voter has no choice but to vote the culprit of prevoius referendrum.

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  RE:I apologize.
by satish juplli on Feb 27, 2007 02:42 PM   Permalink
Thx saif. We didn't mean to hurt you. The probelem only starts when u belive in something blindly, like the way you commented in your first post saying India as "Developed Afganistan". Which hurts anybody. How can you come to such conculstion. Dont fall for the cheap words by this so-called secular leaders. I guess You know who are they. Think on your own and come to a conclusion. Depend on facts rather than the speeches.

And last but not the least , you have no right to comment againstly on the victory of some political party. Learn to respect peoples verdict. Because they can decide what they want. They are good enough to decide it.

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  RE:I apologize.
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 01:45 PM   Permalink
Don't worry. You must think that you are an Indian first, then there is no problem.

There are extremists everywhere in the world. Those who does not have guts to go in real fight with terrorists, indulge themselves in critisizing innocent people - like you. These gutless poeple are in fact cowards - just like terrorists who does not have guts to start straight fights!

So ignore such comments and do not react. Thanks.

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  RE:RE:I apologize.
by Sameer Bhatia on Feb 27, 2007 01:59 PM   Permalink
Chaskar Saheb
U r right.These gutless people will only try to give gospel.But people like u will go and fight the terrorist. Ask these ppl whether they r indian first or Muslim u will come out of the dreams.Thanx to them we see such comments from hindus.

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  RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Pradeep Kumar on Feb 27, 2007 02:03 PM   Permalink
Hey dude sameer grow up man plz dont display your intellectual capabilities here.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Sameer Bhatia on Feb 27, 2007 02:11 PM   Permalink
Hi pradeep
Then where should i?can u tell me.

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  RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 02:12 PM   Permalink
Sameer, I understand the frustration because of terrorism. But there is no point in accusing every muslim you run into! You must remember that all terrorist are muslims - yes unfortunately - but not all muslims are terrorists - fortunately!

So let's be balanced. No point harrassing people like Saif, when you really do not know what his personal thinking,views,actions are! That is what is my point. Blaming entire community does not need much brain.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Sameer Bhatia on Feb 27, 2007 02:29 PM   Permalink
I really want to agree with u.But the problem is that whom to trust? u never know whom u r dealing with people caught as terrorist are doctors,engineer,computer professionals and what not?and why they dont come and condemn this they want the shariat they want reservation they want everything should be done by govt and the fruits should come to them.Why they dont teach that islam never preaches terror why these words only come from other religion.i also dont want to spit venom but people who say that india will become afghanistan.sorry this cant be tolerated.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 03:08 PM   Permalink
To add to what I said above, Ian Chappel recently said (in some another context, of course) that mixture of arrogance and stupidity is dangerous!

We should know where our arrogance would take us. Not knowing that, I think, is stupidity!

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 02:48 PM   Permalink
yes, very true that educated Muslims are found as terrorists. That Guru who attacked Parliament is a professor!

But let me tell you what I do. When I have a doubt, I keep quiet and do not react. So I do not take risk of hurting innocent people.

There is absolutely no way to find the percentage of terrorists in any community. Might be, only few percentage is indugle in violant activities. But who knows?

Your other point that Muslims do not condemn terrorism - is not entirely correct. I see many muslims condemning act of violance.

I think there should be enough education and employment for everyone in country. That should be the focus of any government. And all citizens should concentrate of personal growth, which in turn will lead to country's growth.

Terrorism, yes very serious issue. But I think, we - as common people - can do very less about it. Can you go and identify terrorist and kill them? No - a common man can not. So I think, let government and security agencies do their job. (If they do not do, we all have right to vote to roght party.) But what we achieve by shouting and spreading hatred on public forums like rediff? Do you think by nailing some muslim in such debates, any good can be achieved. But on the contrary, risk is that, if that particular muslim is peaceful, he/she may become violant by constant nagging. You getting what I want to say?

So, I think, if we are in doubt, we should not react. By this way, atleast we will not risk of spreading more hatred and making someone violant by our constant nagging.

I hope you understand what I want to say.

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by Sushil G B on Feb 27, 2007 02:49 PM   Permalink
Excellent Sameer, I totally agree with you. If they are really feel as part of this Nation then why can't they agree to sing the National song "Vande Materam". Mind it, no religion is above your nation.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Kashi Akhoon on Feb 27, 2007 02:39 PM   Permalink
yes Mr. Ashish, you are right every muslim is not yet a terrorist, but their number is increasing , the fault does not lie with Mr. saif But with the faith. Islam preaches Jihad and Jihad is Terrorism.As long as you are a muslim you have to follow the teachings of Islam and a humman being has to face the consequences of being a tolerant. If you are tolarent you have to pay the price sooner or later.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 02:56 PM   Permalink
Mr.Kashi, you are quite right in saying that the number is increasing. Onus is definately on Muslim community to come out of their backward thinking, lack of education, lack of employement and catch the progressive path.

My only point is, are we doing any good by nagging every muslim - that you guys are terrorists - we come across? My senses answer me negative and tell me that there is more risk involved in such activities.

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  RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by saif naik on Feb 27, 2007 02:06 PM   Permalink
Hey dude im an indian , that is why my family serves the army and is fighting terrorists in kashmir and nepal.PPl like you only know to spit out venom here. And im my apology this is precisely what i told, even if i apologize you ppl will drag it into another controvery.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Punjab: SAD-BJP takes early lead