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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I apologize.
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 02:48 PM

yes, very true that educated Muslims are found as terrorists. That Guru who attacked Parliament is a professor!

But let me tell you what I do. When I have a doubt, I keep quiet and do not react. So I do not take risk of hurting innocent people.

There is absolutely no way to find the percentage of terrorists in any community. Might be, only few percentage is indugle in violant activities. But who knows?

Your other point that Muslims do not condemn terrorism - is not entirely correct. I see many muslims condemning act of violance.

I think there should be enough education and employment for everyone in country. That should be the focus of any government. And all citizens should concentrate of personal growth, which in turn will lead to country's growth.

Terrorism, yes very serious issue. But I think, we - as common people - can do very less about it. Can you go and identify terrorist and kill them? No - a common man can not. So I think, let government and security agencies do their job. (If they do not do, we all have right to vote to roght party.) But what we achieve by shouting and spreading hatred on public forums like rediff? Do you think by nailing some muslim in such debates, any good can be achieved. But on the contrary, risk is that, if that particular muslim is peaceful, he/she may become violant by constant nagging. You getting what I want to say?

So, I think, if we are in doubt, we should not react. By this way, atleast we will not risk of spreading more hatred and making someone violant by our constant nagging.

I hope you understand what I want to say.

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