Please hang Afzal Guru. If he is hanged then we know that you are President of the whole of India. If you pardon him, then we will certainly believe that you have saved one of your brothers by being a True Muslim and not an Indian. Hang him and restore our faith in Indian jurisdiction. Please don%u2019t delay his petition unnecessarily.
RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Angeline Sharmila on Feb 13, 2007 10:27 PM Permalink
Please dont bring religion into this.It is enough we have enough strifes over it being politicized without having to deal with religious conflicts too. It is too immature to threaten the President to comply to your views using his religion.Besides a life is at stake here.What if this guy was really innocent?I'm sure that if he is proven guilty then the necessary steps would be taken,but until otherwise it is easy for others not involved directly to act emotionally. I'm sure that if you were in the presidents' shoes you wouldnt want to be reminded you are part of a minority sector & should act hastily to avoid a religious riot.
RE:RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:44 AM Permalink
Boss, the guy's family has asked for mercy not on the grounds that he is innocent but on grounds that he has a family. The courts have already judged that he is not innocent. You can't simply caste doubts on the court's actions like this. A life at stake? What a life at stake, really! What minority? A minority of 20 crore people with money pouring in from over a billion in the rest of the world??? What a minority, really. The point is: if the prez takes some action here and justifies his position, nobody will caste aspersions on his religion. The point is there is a lot of delay here already and no explanation has been given for that. Besides, the Prez is the head of the armed forces, too - the supreme protector of the nation. He cannot really PARDON an attacker of the nation, can he? Lastly, we do not start riots like you guys do.
RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by smitha raj on Feb 13, 2007 11:03 PM Permalink
Please do not be so narrow minded and comment on the president's religion. Besides we should always remember that the circumstances under which Azfal was convicted is dubious. Even the supreme court judges are humans prone to judgmental errors. When it comes to the question of life and death of a human being, as fellow humans we should be compassionate. Once Afzal id hanged he is dead and gone, and the real culprit might still be walking flesh and blood...
RE:RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:48 AM Permalink
Then, every case can be doubted upon. The fact that we have lower courts and high courts and the SC is to remove this 'human' error you are talking of. Was afzal compassionate about his fellow human beings who he killed? Such 'fellows' should be hanged in public and the images telecast live.