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RE:RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:44 AM

Boss, the guy's family has asked for mercy not on the grounds that he is innocent but on grounds that he has a family. The courts have already judged that he is not innocent. You can't simply caste doubts on the court's actions like this.
A life at stake? What a life at stake, really!
What minority? A minority of 20 crore people with money pouring in from over a billion in the rest of the world??? What a minority, really.
The point is: if the prez takes some action here and justifies his position, nobody will caste aspersions on his religion. The point is there is a lot of delay here already and no explanation has been given for that. Besides, the Prez is the head of the armed forces, too - the supreme protector of the nation. He cannot really PARDON an attacker of the nation, can he?
Lastly, we do not start riots like you guys do.

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President's hands not bound