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Tatas Should Buy At Market Price
by san man on Feb 11, 2007 10:06 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Tatas should have avoided this controversy by buying the land in the normal ordinary way that everyone else does. By resorting to expropriation they have needlessly created a political flare-up in a state known for populist political grandstanding. They should learn a lesson from this for the next time. Next time, buy the land at market price, in the normal way.
Forget about expropriation, just for a factory. Expropriation is for building highways, dams, or other publically-owned infrastructure for the common public benefit and development. It shouldn't be used for some private commercial house as a shortcut.

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  RE:Tatas Should Buy At Market Price
by Ritwik on Feb 12, 2007 01:13 AM   Permalink
They brought the land 125% of the market price.
If the Govt do not intervene its difficult for any organization to acquire 997 acres.

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  RE:RE:Tatas Should Buy At Market Price
by rajesh bhaskar on Feb 12, 2007 01:51 AM   Permalink
WHY DO THEY need 997 acres is most suspicious things. toyota is biggest car manufacturer int he world. they produce 1 million cars a year in just less than 200 acres in america whihc 5 times bigger in space than india. tata is produce 100000 cars only , only 1/10 of toyota in america. can they sell more than 100000 car in a year. they just actually need 30-100 acres at the most. 997 acrs is clearning cheating and nexus with politicians who buy back this when tata grows . there is no plant in world which speard over 30 acres in one shot.
in india justice is same to all as per constitution in paper but if i don't want to give my land why force and govt support to tata.
without those don't want to give also they can achieve thier aim of even a million car in 200 acres. unfortunately justice system, govt ,politicians, judges, law enforcement officers, from top to bottom is corrupted. this is another example rich is dignified, see sanjay dutt goes in bail each time, see afsal still pending.

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  RE:RE:RE:Tatas Should Buy At Market Price
by SUJIT KUNDU on Feb 12, 2007 04:28 AM   Permalink
Tata is building industry in Bengal it is good for Esatern India. West Bengal Government supporting them. But destroing farming land may be degerous for bengal future. Tata should get as required land and administrative and infrastructure support. But before accuring farming land government should recover all closed factory land for future industry purpose and it is requred immediate action. There are lots of closed factory land at heart of bengal. With out plan accuring farming land may hurt bengal future. Same may be applied for whole India. There are lots of land which is unutilise and same may be utilise for Industrial growth. Unplanned destruction of farming land may cause ruind India's future economy and food supply chain which is basic requrement for people. So Industrialisation is welcome for building nations economy not detruction of future economy. I think government should immidiate take expertise help for settlement this issue.

Sujit Kumar Kundu
Florida, USA

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Mamata attacks CM, Tatas