WHY DO THEY need 997 acres is most suspicious things. toyota is biggest car manufacturer int he world. they produce 1 million cars a year in just less than 200 acres in america whihc 5 times bigger in space than india. tata is produce 100000 cars only , only 1/10 of toyota in america. can they sell more than 100000 car in a year. they just actually need 30-100 acres at the most. 997 acrs is clearning cheating and nexus with politicians who buy back this when tata grows . there is no plant in world which speard over 30 acres in one shot. in india justice is same to all as per constitution in paper but if i don't want to give my land why force and govt support to tata. without those don't want to give also they can achieve thier aim of even a million car in 200 acres. unfortunately justice system, govt ,politicians, judges, law enforcement officers, from top to bottom is corrupted. this is another example rich is dignified, see sanjay dutt goes in bail each time, see afsal still pending.