the stupidity of the Indian government and media on the pakistan peace initiative is sickening. as a power-to-reckon-with of the 21st century , the indian government sud start thinking in a more aggressive and pro-active way. after years of experience, it is flabbergasting to see indian government selling out vital national concerns to a pak gov. i am sure even d pak gov will be laughing in india's back that they are so easily taking dem for a ride. wat kinda gaurantee u r talkin abt? tomm pak wil hv a new gov, or a new military ruler and all these treaties will be thrown to the winds. dis wen kashmir insurgency is far from being abated and ISI is indulgin in nefarious activities in east and north east.
u can only adopt a carrot n stick policy wid a pak gov....but for our spineless gov it is only carrot and carrot. dey are selling out on us, just for garnering the muslim vote-bank. i mean, y do u vacate a vital siachen wen the whole military is advising oderwise? ok, it costs a lot to the tax payer, but that is miniscule and irrelevant for a country like india, in perspective of its importance.
wat will sonia gandhi do if pak occupies siachen tomm?..dey will ask our military to sacrifice 1000 lives to take it back? is dat a cost we are willing to pay for some crappy peace overtures?
the current peace intitiave is a mere hogwash by the pak gov, to lessen the pressure it is for harboring islamic terrorism. and india, instead of exploiting it to achieve its infact helping pak wriggle outta d cornered position it finds itself in.
how completely naive! nobody in s new world order will respect u if u dont show some teeth, tiger's teeth and not elephant's.
god save our country from dese mentally retarded politicians!
india more dan ne time in its history needs a ruthless dictator to set its political society in sync wid its economic prosperity.
RE:peace hung-ho
by R Singh on Feb 09, 2007 08:48 PM Permalink
Indians don't learn from history. There was time that Afghans used to invade Somnath every year and again the locals used to put all their wealth and energy in rebuilding the temple just to see it demolished again by the muslim invaders. Forward to 1999, Pakistanis broke their promise to keep the northern demarcated LOC to be demilitarized, but to our 'surpirse' again we found out that our soldiers are gettin ambushed by these jehadis.
Forward to 2007, the liberal Indians have again signed a deal to demilitarize Siachen, but the heavy price of this blunder will be paid again by our brave soldiers.
We Punjabis have a saying about the Pakistanis,'Picchon war kardey han', which basically means 'they will attack you in the back' when you least expect it. But the stupid PM and his masters are too busy making our future and that of our children's future dependent on the 'promises' of these Mullahs.
I guess they have more faith on the perpetrator of Kargil (Musharraf) than on the those who are warning them not to trust them.
RE:RE:peace hung-ho
by AMLAN NANDA on Feb 09, 2007 08:45 PM Permalink
thanks man...! its difficult to find ppl like u and me, who think wid dere brains,
i am only 20 years old, but i am hopeless of indian government whose policy i have observed for the last 5-6 years intimately.
i wil b leaving dis country in next few months, for a more fair system and may b for more mullah. i know a lot of to-be-intellectuals , the youth,who will do d same. dey r all tired of the system. d system of india. yes, we will send forex to india, swell its economy through FDI 10 years hence.
but ,and i am echoing a lot of best-brains-of-d country, our heart is filled wid guilt that we will rendering our country devoid of prime intellectual-capital.... and we cannot do nethin abt it, coz d country itself is not acknowleding the loss.
a america values india's best brains,but our own gov is set in selling the country to d dogs wid its pathetic reservation policies and dese external policies that sap us of national pride.
RE:RE:peace hung-ho
by Imran Parihar on Feb 09, 2007 09:04 PM Permalink
India SHOULD NEVER make this deal, Pak cannot be trusted. They will go for Siachen. The entire nation must protest any such foolish moves by the government. Its not about Hindu or Muslim, its about the nation. I dont think any Indian should vote for a government that would compromise National security.