Indians don't learn from history. There was time that Afghans used to invade Somnath every year and again the locals used to put all their wealth and energy in rebuilding the temple just to see it demolished again by the muslim invaders. Forward to 1999, Pakistanis broke their promise to keep the northern demarcated LOC to be demilitarized, but to our 'surpirse' again we found out that our soldiers are gettin ambushed by these jehadis.
Forward to 2007, the liberal Indians have again signed a deal to demilitarize Siachen, but the heavy price of this blunder will be paid again by our brave soldiers.
We Punjabis have a saying about the Pakistanis,'Picchon war kardey han', which basically means 'they will attack you in the back' when you least expect it. But the stupid PM and his masters are too busy making our future and that of our children's future dependent on the 'promises' of these Mullahs.
I guess they have more faith on the perpetrator of Kargil (Musharraf) than on the those who are warning them not to trust them.