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India a superpower?? where?
by Tan Chin Hui on Feb 05, 2007 03:23 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

India a superpower? What a joke. India is superpower only in South Asia. Outside it is a dummy! IAF has max. crashes in the world.

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  RE:India a superpower?? where?
by ratnesh srivastav on Feb 05, 2007 04:57 PM   Permalink

My dear chini,
1. Your assumption for max plane crash rate of IAF is wrong, our rate is 1.25 per 10000 flying hours and is better when compared to US 1.30 per 10000 flying hours.
2. Planes donot crash in china because they donot fly. hahaha. They crash in pakistan as pakistan tries to fly "made in china" planes.

so I suggest that you

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  RE:India a superpower?? where?
by Ajay Mishra on Feb 05, 2007 05:02 PM   Permalink
Hey Tan, Nice to know that you can read english!! But just to let you know, your understanding still suck, dude!! brush up your english.. come again sometime later...

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  RE:India a superpower?? where?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Feb 05, 2007 03:44 PM   Permalink
Who said anything about India being a superpower in the article? Even the guy below is making a prediction. How do you know India has max crashes in the world? Could you show me some data to back it up?
India has a long long way to go towards being a superpower. Right now, it is only the US. Even China has a long way to go to get there. India's foreign policy until now has been to maintain an army for defensive purposes and not get involved in other people's fights. I dont see that changing in the near future.
India is a regional power, quite true. IAF needs to modernise, and fast... when are those 150 fighter aircraft going to be inducted?!!!

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  RE:India a superpower?? where?
by on Feb 05, 2007 03:42 PM   Permalink
Tai Chin Hui is right. India being a superpower is a joke as long as 2/3rds of a billion people remain desparetly poor and uneducated. But on the other hand, tanks dont shoot down students in Vijay Chowk ( Our Tiannnmen Sq.), I have the constitutional right to call our Prime Minister a silly ass and Bombay remains full of shanty-town slums because the poor have a vote and cant be dislodged. So hang in there, Tan Chin Hui, maybe we'll have the last laugh yet.

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  RE:India a superpower?? where?
by prasun bhattacharjee on Feb 05, 2007 03:38 PM   Permalink
You don't know all Indian super brains of IIT and IIM who had helped US and UK to get the technologies are coming to India by 2015 so BEWARE!!!!! and BEWARE!! of Indian Brain!!!

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  RE:RE:India a superpower?? where?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Feb 05, 2007 03:52 PM   Permalink
Dude, Indian nationals cannot work in defence sector in the US... Even if they return (again, 2015 is too far out in the future), they are not going to bring back any defence related knowledge because they dont have any. India'll just have to start working towards building this capability rather than waiting for the expats to return.
The best way to do that is to open defence to private investment. Sure, there'll be some profit mongering, but no private company could afford building a light combat aircraft for 20 years and still not be sure if the plane will ever be inducted. That's what the US does... no defence firm in the US is state owned. There are strict controls on defence secrets, of course. The presumption in India's think tank for the last 60 years is that the industrialist is loyal to money and money alone. Thus, they cannot be trusted with any defence secrets. No wonder Arjun tank is a hot potato with the army, LCA is nowhere on the horizon...

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  RE:RE:RE:India a superpower?? where?
by prasun bhattacharjee on Feb 05, 2007 05:50 PM   Permalink
proven records shown everything after a practical. I think you have heard about territorial army if you are an Indian and I think you know how the territorial army works. We are not waiting, we are just working now.

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  RE:India a superpower?? where?
by Deepika on Feb 05, 2007 03:38 PM   Permalink
thats how reasearch can help naa.....beeter that thgs like these can b avoided!!

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  RE:India a superpower?? where?
by on Feb 05, 2007 03:53 PM   Permalink
Mr. Chinaman i don't want my india to be a super-power militarywise. As long as India remains a Super-Democracy i am more than happy. just think we have the basic rights and freedoms whereas you in China even can't think of Freedom of Speech & Expression.

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