Dude, Indian nationals cannot work in defence sector in the US... Even if they return (again, 2015 is too far out in the future), they are not going to bring back any defence related knowledge because they dont have any. India'll just have to start working towards building this capability rather than waiting for the expats to return. The best way to do that is to open defence to private investment. Sure, there'll be some profit mongering, but no private company could afford building a light combat aircraft for 20 years and still not be sure if the plane will ever be inducted. That's what the US does... no defence firm in the US is state owned. There are strict controls on defence secrets, of course. The presumption in India's think tank for the last 60 years is that the industrialist is loyal to money and money alone. Thus, they cannot be trusted with any defence secrets. No wonder Arjun tank is a hot potato with the army, LCA is nowhere on the horizon...