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rediff is negative
by Girwar Meena on Feb 03, 2007 02:53 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I observed that rediff put critics on high priority ...always same thing is happening few days back article again sachin was posted on their site and they just do it because they receive more comments for such article as a normal human being and an average Indian we not able to tolerate such critics against India/loving one to India. So rediff people are not dumb stop this

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  RE:rediff is negative
by on Feb 03, 2007 02:58 PM   Permalink
rediff is given money for spreading negative thoughts in india. to keep indians negative.

first step towards towards civil war, by blowing problems out of proportions.

In fact, I credit rediff if young indians are leaving country and working in USA because they think all negative about India.

Thank youbit*h rediff. (who funds you?)

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  RE:RE:rediff is negative
by Alok Dube on Feb 05, 2007 12:06 PM   Permalink
exactly! tell the author if china wanted to blow us up in 1962 they could have! what could stop them? why did they not take in more territory and why did they surrender land on the arunachal front? It clearly reflects that Rediff is trying to pick up someone in the name of "here is a war vetran..who has seen it all.." and trying to indulge a negative attitude among indians

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  RE:rediff is negative
by navin aysola on Feb 03, 2007 03:07 PM   Permalink
You should be in the army or lead an army life to really understand him. My grandfather was in the army fighting the Burma, 1971 wars. So many men gave up their lives to protect the country. So many are handicapped and cannot lead a proper life. Armymen are proud people where the country always comes first. Not like us where our families or jobs come first! Please understand the difference.
Imagine some of your best friends never come back after the Kargil war. Whose mistake was that? That the government kept it a secret and made it a political issue to get votes!
The politicians are the ones who are corrupt and selfish. Not a proud army man. They have moral values... to defend our motherland at any cost!

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  RE:RE:rediff is negative
by on Feb 03, 2007 03:30 PM   Permalink
I don't doubt his priorities. Yes, he still keeps India above anything. but that doesn't mean anything he says must be true and factful. Its only his perception of society. Thats it.

i still think he should have treated his words carefully before holding whole society responsible for what he perceives as loss of "morals".

Let me tell you something, almost every person above 60 now think like him that this "westernisation" is bad! My friend's uncle thinks that wearing "jeans" and "tight clothes" and going out late at night by girls is loss of "morals"!!

Its just the way old generation of ours blow the things out of proportion because their angle to look at things is different and they are quite uncomfortable with new changes.

But our society welcomes "change" and "adopts" to change. This is biggest strength of Indian culture. this is how I view it. don;t know why to stick upon to some "ideas" which were considered "moralistic" or "correct" 40 years ago. But why not adopt to new ideas and apply ideas in your ways to achieve things.

thats what make our society so progressive. Thats the basic difference between our society and those "static" and "stubborn" society of islamic countries.

I hope you get the difference too! :)

"Morality is a word that has disappeared from the Indian vocabulary."

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  RE:RE:RE:rediff is negative
by on Feb 03, 2007 03:35 PM   Permalink

"Morality is a word that has disappeared from the Indian vocabulary."

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  RE:RE:RE:rediff is negative
by on Feb 03, 2007 03:41 PM   Permalink
If general is teaching his grandsons this -
'Morality is a word that has disappeared from the Indian vocabulary.'

then i am sure, his grandsons will take his words to as facts and immediately fly to west.

He is a person of high honour and riguor. Atleast he should not show such negative views. It doesn't draw any correct picture of society.

But rather a negative and narrow view.

sorry sir, but indian society is not so lowly that our negative media is painting.

Is rediff arm of TOIlett paper or BBC?

recently, proportion of negative headlines has gone up in rediff.

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71 War: We should've stayed out