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RE:rediff is negative
by navin aysola on Feb 03, 2007 03:07 PM

You should be in the army or lead an army life to really understand him. My grandfather was in the army fighting the Burma, 1971 wars. So many men gave up their lives to protect the country. So many are handicapped and cannot lead a proper life. Armymen are proud people where the country always comes first. Not like us where our families or jobs come first! Please understand the difference.
Imagine some of your best friends never come back after the Kargil war. Whose mistake was that? That the government kept it a secret and made it a political issue to get votes!
The politicians are the ones who are corrupt and selfish. Not a proud army man. They have moral values... to defend our motherland at any cost!

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71 War: We should've stayed out