A very Precise & Objective & Fair view of Army Role in by Lt Col Thapan. Very Forthright & open analysis. Yes ,Indain Society needs morlity blended into very basic daily life in a very big way,else we will continue to witness : 1) Fear & Feudal system of Governance in Judiciary,Education,Religion & Medicine . 2) Road Rage by Animals 3) Naked display of skin all over & reducing lack of respect for women other than as objects of desire. 4) Non/least possible development of poor sections of society.
The only way out is to have more & more accountability with open,objective systems of governance & Retributions & penalities for violations & deviations. For Those who make fun of morality as an old age thing please stop usuing Sunlight,Water & Air as those are also as old as existence.
There is difference between Beasts & Human beings. Let us protect that always.
RE:RE:RE:True Reflection
by Ahmed Shah on Feb 04, 2007 03:04 PM Permalink
i agree with soft pearl we need a Society for Preservation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice like Taliban had
RE:RE:RE:RE:True Reflection
by IndiaCarerFromAbroad on Feb 04, 2007 10:07 PM Permalink
Hi, I feel the clothing issue should be regional instead of religion. It is wrong to show skin in Snow or during the time of winter. As it is dangerous to the skin & could die due to hydertherma!!! But Indian climate is moderate, there is no harm in wearing light dresses to escape from the over buring heat in some cities. Think democratic!!!
RE:True Reflection
by asadullah mohammad on Feb 04, 2007 04:11 PM Permalink
i am agree with u,we need to combat with the danger disease of our system whole heartedly.
RE:RE:True Reflection
by IndiaCarerFromAbroad on Feb 04, 2007 10:08 PM Permalink
Hi, I feel the clothing issue should be regional instead of religion. It is wrong to show skin in Snow or during the time of winter. As it is dangerous to the skin & could die due to hydertherma!!! But Indian climate is moderate, there is no harm in wearing light dresses to escape from the over buring heat in some cities. Think democratic!!!